The following are the TH-F6A keys and a short description of what they do. Holding ht in hand along left side are three buttons. Top is PTT button, middle lamp button (AID FOR VISUALLY-ENABLED), and MONI is the bottom button. Looking at front of handheld, with keypad facing you, the top button, beneath the visual display, is Multi-scroll [MNU] key explanation follows. The multi-scroll key [MNU] is used to select menu mode by pressing it in the middle. It then selects the last menu used. Selection of menus can also be done by turning tuning knob (default at menu 1 Scan Resume). To do this press the center of the [MNU] key twice. Default beep is the low beep. Middle part of this key is also called MNU button. Moving this key to the right [>] is usually an OK to do something and to the left [<] is used as an escape ESC or cancel. It also does up or down function. ([U] or [D]) Below the Multi-scroll button is the [@] Power button. Holding it for 1 second turns ht on. Two high beeps indicate the ht is turning on. When the ht is on, holding [@] Power button down for 1 second turns the ht off. Two low beeps indicates ht is turning off. The bottom four rows are a 16-button keypad which is from left to right 1 2 3 A (Top row) 4 5 6 B (Second row) 7 8 9 C (Third row) * 0 # D (Fourth row) the arrangement resembles a telephone keypad with A B C D keys to the right of the corresponding 3 6 9 and # keys. When PTT is held and these keys are depressed they generate DTMF tones which are transmitted. When the radio beeps low it usually signifies its default state. When the keys are used by themselves they do a variety of things. I'll put the key number in () (AS ON TELEPHONE DTMF KEYPAD) then [name of the key as in the instruction manual and printed on key]. Example (1) [LOW] (1) [LOW] \High, Low, E-Low \ TX Power selection default (low-pitched beep) High power (2) [BAND] \ Band change When in A band goes 2m, 220MHz, 440MHz. When in B band starts out at AM, HF, 6m, FM, Air Band, 2m, VHF TV, 1.25m (220), 70cm (440), UHF TV, 23cm. The default is at 2m when in A band, and 440 when in B band. (3) [A/B] \ Toggles A band and B band. A default. (A) [F] \ Function button, hitting this key momentarily before hitting another key activates second function of keys. If depressed for 1 second activates keypad lock. Default unlocked. (4) [INFO] \ Selects the info band frequencies which are the ten weather freq by default. To exit this press [MR] or [VFO], pressing [A/B] will not exit this function. (5) [SQL] \ Squelch When selected, squelch can be changed by rotating tuning knob. Pressing (5) again after changing squelch level stores the changed level. If no change press ESC [<]. Pressing [MNU] or Multi-scroll Right [>] stores setting also. (6) [BAL] \ A/B volume balance default balanced. Tuning knob changes balance. (B) [VFO] \ VFO selection key (7) [TONE] \ Tone selection key. Order tone on, ctcss, dcs, no tone default no tone (8) [REV] \ REVERSE flips tx and rx freqs to transmit on repeater output freq and listen on repeater input. Default listen on repeater output. (9) [MN-F] \ Memory Name to frequency toggle. When on displays memory names in lieu of frequencies. Default on. (VISUAL DISPLAY) (C) [MR] \ Memory Recall (*) [MHZ] \ Enters decimal as in 145.110 or 14.315. (0) [FINE] \ Fine tuning when in HF mode or 0 when entering frequencies (#) [ENT] \ Enter key (D) [CALL] \ Call key Second function hit (A) key momentarily then hit second key do not hold (A) too long or it will lock the keypad. For this group I'll only refer to keys by their DTMF key designations. (A),(1) Battery level display toggle Default off (VISUAL DISPLAY) (A),(2) Mode FM, WFM, AM, LSB, USB, CW default FM (A),(3) Dual/Single chooses single band operation or dual default dual (A)HELD 1 s Key lock when depressed for 1 second default unlocked (function key) (A),(4) Visual scan toggle default off (A),(5) VOX keying toggle default PTT keying (A),(6) Priority channel monitoring toggle default off (A),(B) Memory contents loaded into VFO (A),(7) Tone select default 67.0 Pressing [MNU] or [>] confirms new value (A),(8) Offset shift Simplex Plus Minus default is Simplex (A),(9) Memory Name enter key (VISUAL DISPLAY) (A),(C) Memory enter key (A),(*) Memory channel lockout key (A),(0) Step change key (A),(#) Alert key (A),(D) Call freq input key (A),(Moni) Toggles attenuator on/off default off. (A),(Lamp) Turns display lamp on (UNTIL TOGGLED OFF) default off. (AIDS VISUALLY-ENABLED PERSONS)