TS940S CONTROL LAYOUT Top Panel: slide lid to expose. back row: CW CAR LEVEL, FM MIC GAIN, SUBDISP CONTRAST, MEMORY BANK SE LECT. FRONT ROW: slider pots: VOX GAIN, VOX DELAY, VOX ANTI; vertical row s witches  starting from back: CAL, 10 HZ IND, ANALOG SCALE. Front panel Top left: power switch, timer switch. below: vox (in3Don), breakin fullsemi (in3Dfull), monitor (in 3Don), dimmer (dim3Dout). below subsidiary display: clock, graph, scroll, set. notch (inner) SQL (outer), picth (inner) a f tune (outer). under rotary controls: rit, xit, clear, notch and af tune (in3Denabl e). below, middle left: rec/send (in3Dsend), auto/through (in3Dauto), nar/wide (in3Dnar). below these are phone and mic sockets. to right of nar/wide: attenuator, agc, meter select. below these: nb, 010, processor (inner is in) (outer out), mic (inner) power (out er). between these six: nb1, nb2, proc (in3Don). to right of these, vertical column of six buttons, mode switches. LSB, USB, CW, AM, FM, FSK. Main tuning control. to right, column of function switches, from top: TF SET, A/B, SPLIT, A3DB, F LOCK, VOICE. To right of functions, top of subpanel. two rows of four memory func tions. top: MEMORY SCAN, PROGRAM SCAN, HOLD, MCE. lower row; VFO/M, M  VFO, M IN, ENTER. under memory functions. band keys, two rows of five. 1.5 3.5 7 10 14. 18 21 24.5 28 29. Under band keys. down 1mhz, up 1 mhz, at.t. to right of band keys. top left 3D RIT/XIT, top right, AF/RF GAIN, RF IS OUTER. BOTTOM LEFT, CW VBT. BOTTOM RIGHT, SSB SLOPE TUNE. inner is high, outer is low. REAR PANEL right to left: ANTENNA; GROUND SCREW; RX ANT SELECTOR, (above RX ANT phono); TRANSVERTER CONNECTOR; REMOTE CONNECTOR (for linear amp); IF OUTPUTS, (two phonos); PHONE PATCH, (two phonos  audio i/o from RTTY etc terminal); RTTY INTERFACE, (for direct keying); EXT SPEAKER, (3.5 mm jack); KEY, ( 1/4 IN JACK); ACCESSORY 1; ACCESSORY 2; FUSE; AC POWER; VOLTAGE SELECTOR. pin outs TRANSVERTER SOCKET: KEY WAY AT ABOUT 7 O'CLOCK going clockwise. pin 7 RF OUT, pin 1 SCREE N FOR RF OUT, pin 4 XVTR ON/OFF, PIN 2 +12V ON TRANSMIT, PIN 5 XVTR R ECEIVE SIGNAL, PIN 3 RX RECEIVER COAX EARTH, PIN 8 HF RECEIVING SIGNA L, ALSO EARTHED AT PIN 3. PIN 6 (CENTRE) EXT ALC INPUT. SCREEN FOR CO NNECTOR SHELL IN KEYWAY. TERMINALS 5 . 8 ARE SHORTED TO PERMIT HF REC EPTION. INSERTING THE DIN PLUG WILL AUTOMATICALLY OPEN THE CLOSED CIR CUIT BETWEEN PINS 5 AND 8. REMOTE SOCKET: KEY BETWEEN 1 AND 2 O'CLOCK, GOINT CLOCKWISE. PIN 6 AL C INPUT, PIN 1 SPEAKER OUTPUT, PIN 4 LINEAR CONTROL CONNECTING THE DI N POUG TO THE REMOTE JACK WILL ACTIVATE THE LINEAR CONTROL RELAY. PIN 2 TIMER SWITCH, RETURN TO PIN 5 DC 30 V 2 A MAX. PIN 3 AND 7 FROM ST ANDBY SWITCH (PTT CCT FOR FOOT SWITCH. ACCESSORY 1 JACK: SIX PIN. FOR OPTIONAL INTERFACE UNIT. ACCESSORY 2: 13 PINS: KEYWAY AT HALF PAST SEVEN: PINS IN ROWS STARTIN G FIRST ROW UP FROM KEYWAY: PIN 1 ACCESSORY SW, 2 ACCESSORY SW, 3 DAT A OUTPUT OUTPUT LEVEL IS FIXED REGARDLESS OF AF CONTROL SETTING OUTPU T VOLTAGE IS 300 MV OR MORE AT MAX RECEIVING INPUT WITH 4.7 KOHM LOAD , 4 GROUND AUDIO OUTPUT. SECOND ROW UP FROM KEYWAY: 5 NC, 6 NC, 7 NC, 8 GROUND 3RD ROW UP: 9 MIC MUTE SIGNAL INPUT FROM MIC JACK IS MUTED GROUNDING MUTES SIGNAL. 10 NC, 11 DATA INPUT IMPUT TERMINAL FOR DATA COMMUNICAT ION IN SSB MIC GAIN CAN BE CONTROLLED BY THE MIC CONTROL INPUT VOLTAG E 500 MV OR LESS (SSB VOLATGE STARTS DEFLECTING ALC) FM VOLTAGE PROVI DING +3 KHZ FEVIATION. 12 GROUND AUDIO INPUT. 13 RIGHT AT TOP STANDB Y. (PTT LINE). MIC ON FRONT. KEYWAY AT SIX O'C. 8 PIN CONNECTOR, CLOCKWISE FROM KEYW AY. PIN 7 GROUND, 6 NC, 5 8 V APPROX 10 MA OUT, 4 UP, 3 DOWN, 2 STANDBY, 1 MIC, 8 IN MIDDLE GROUND (STANDBY). Boundary (ID lL3iIJZyRS/+3o0NN9u3/Q) Contenttype: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSETISO88591 Contenttransferencoding: QUOTEDPRINTABLE INSTRUCTION MANUAL HF TRANSCEIVER Model TS3D940S  NOTES. 1. If the timer switch is set to ON, the unit sometimes does not fu nction even when the POWER switch is set to ON. 2. When the squelch is not in use, turn the SQL control fully count erclockwise. If the control is turned fully clockwise, the rece ption sound sometimes cannot be heard. 1. PREPARATION BEFORE USE 1 1. INSTALLATION PRECAUTIONS Choose an operating location that is dry and cool, and avoid operatin g the transceiver in direct sunlight. Allow at least 3 inches clearance between the back of the equipment t o any object. This space allows an adequate airflow from the ventila ting fans to keep the transceiver cool. 12. COOLING FAN OPERATION The cooling fan operates automatically when the heat sink temperature rises, and stops when the temperature falls. The heat sink is diec ast aluminum integral with the rear panel for sufficient heat dissipa tion. Therefore, the cooling fan will rarely operate during ordinary operation. If the cooling fan operates, insure adequate ventilation to insure good heat dissipation. 13. FRONT FEET By extending the front feet, the front panel can be elevated for oper ating convenience. Turn the front feet left and pull down. Then turn right to lock. 14. AC POWER The TS940S is supplied to operate from a 1 20V AC, 220V AC or 240V A C 50/60 Hz power source capable of supplying 51 0 watts or more. For units shipped to the U.S.A., the switch is set for 1 20 VAC with a 6ampere fuse installed. For units shipped to European, Central, South American, and African c ountries, the switch is set for 220 VAC with a 4ampere fuse installe d. For units shipped to Oceania countries, and U.K. the switch is set fo r 240 VAC with a 4ampere fuse installed. 2. CONTROLS, INDICATORS AND CONNECTORS TOP COVER CAR LEVEL (carrier level) control Used to adjust carrier level during CW. Slide lid opened (27@, FM MIC GAIN (microphone gain) control Used to adjust microphone amplifier gain in FM. CAR FM MIC LEVEL GAIN (3D Memory group selector switch Al lows selection of the desired memory channel SUBDISP ME CONTRAS group. 14 SUB DISP. CONTRAST control Allows you to adjust the contrast of th e sub display, using a () screwdriver. 5 CAL (marker) switch CAL ]ON OFF[ When this switch is ON during rece ption, the builtin oscillator will generate a marker signal at 100 K Hz intervals. This switch is also used to zero beat the SCALE intern al oscillator frequency with a standard frequency (WWV). 6 10 Hz indication switch Allows frequency indication down to the nea rest 10 Hz digit. 7 Analog SCALE selection switch Used to select the analog scale rang e, 1 MHz or 1 00 kHz. VOX CONTROLS  GAIN DELAY ANTI 8) VOX control GAIN: Used to adjust VOX amplifier gain. Vox DELAY: Used to adjust delay time. VOX ANTI: Used so that VOX will not be actuated by the internal speak er sound. 15. ANTENNA Any of the common antenna systems designed for use on the high freque ncy amateur bands may be used with the TS940S, provided the input im pedance of the transmission line is not outside the capability of the AT940 Automatic Antenna Tuner pioutput matching network. The tran smission line should be coaxial cable. An antenna system which shows a standing wave ratio of less than 1.5 : 1 when using 50 ohm coaxial transmission line, or a system that results in a transmission line i nput impedance that is essentially resistive, and between 20 and 1 50 ohms will take power from the transceiver through the AT940. If op en wire or balanced type transmission line is used with the antenna, a suitable antenna tuner with balun is recommended between the transc eiver and the feed line. Methods of construction and operating such tuners are described in detail in the ARRL Antenna Handbook, or simil ar publications. For operation on the 1 60, 75 and 40 meter bands, a simple dipole antenna, cut to resonance in the most used CAUTION: Protect your Equipment  Use a LIGHTNING ARRESTOR. 16. GROUNDING Making a good earth connection is important for preventing dangers su ch as electric shock and for emitting a high quality signal with mini mum spurious radiation. Bury a commercially available ground rod or copper plate under the ground and connect it to the GND terminal of t he TS940S. A thick wire, cut as short as possible, should be used f or the connection. A city water pipe cannot be used as a good earth i n some cases. To make a good earth connection, connect the GND termi nal to a metal water pipe grounded. Never use a gas pipe or electrical conduit pipe. NOTE: A ground connection that is a 1/4 wavelength or its multiple may prov ide a good DC ground, but it will not provide a good RF ground. The TS940S receiver covers from 1 50 kHz to 30 MHz, to receive inter national broadcast and communication services. FRONT PANEL POWER switch TIMER switch * page 38 VOX switch * page 24 CW breakin selector switch * page 23 MONI (moni tor) switch * pages 8,10,14,16 DIM (Dimmer) switch * page 19 ATT switch page 24; AGC switch page 25; Meter* page 20. Main display: F. LOCK indicator * page 19; ON AIR indicator* page 19; VFO A indicator* page 19; ANT TUNE indicator* page 19; VFO B indicat or page 19; MEMO (Memory) channel indicator* page 19; SPLIT indicato r* page 19; RIT indicator page 19; XIT indicator* page 19; NOTCH indi cator* page 19. CLOCK switch * page 35; GRAPH switch @ pages 35,36; MS (Memory scan) switch * page 33 Subdisplay * page 35 PG. S (Program scan) switch * page 33 (2)8 HOLD switch * page 33 i9 ,) SCROLL switch * pages 34,35 (34 SET switch * page 35 C3 i@'M. CE switch * page 34 It RIT switch * page 26 (33) RIT/XIT control * page 26 304 NOTCH control * page 22 305 XIT switch * page 26 (3'6 ) SOL contr ol * pages 9,13,15,17 (3t) CLEAR switch * page 26 C38) RF (gain) control * page 25 C3 9) PITCH control * page 26 NOTCH switch * page 22 AF TUNE control * page 26 AF TUNE switch * page 26 REC/SEND standby switch * pages 9,11,15,17 404 MIC (Microphone) connector * pages 7, 29 4C$ PHONES jack * pages 7, 29 C40AUTOTHRUselectorswitch pagel8 C4t NAR/WIDE switch * pages 10, 12 408 NB 1 switch * page 22 C4@ NB control * page 22 ,50) NB 2 switch * page 22 ti) PROC switch * page 24 53 PROCESSORIN control * page 24 PROCESSOROUT control c> page 24 MIC (microphone gain) control * pages 9,15 505 PWR (RF power) control * pages 8,10,14,16 ,56) MODE switch pages 8  17 @t Main tuning control* pages 8  1 7 (58) TF SET switch * page 20 (59) A/B switch * page 19 16@ VOICE switch * page 19 6L@ F. LOCK swit ch * page 19 4 A 3D B switch,* page 19 @(3) SPLIT switch * page 19 t 4) VFO/M switch * page 31 lt5 ) 1 MHz step switch * pages 8  17 $6@@ M @ VFO switch * page 33 @t) M. IN switch * page 31 8) BAND KEY (1  1 0) switch * pages 8  17 @6@ AT. T switch * page 18 (fO) ENT (Enter) switch * page 34 701 VBT control * page 21 AF ( audio gain) control * page 26 (A SSB SLOPE TUNE HIGH CUT control 7C4@ SSB SLOPE TUNE LOW CUT contro l REAR PANNEL Antenna connector Connect an antenna with an impedance of 50 S2, with an SWR of 1. 5 or less. (1) GND (ground) terminal Used to make TS940S ground. Connect using as thick and short a wire as possible. (1) RX ANT terminal selector switch Used to disconnect the TS940S receiver. Supplies an antenna co nnection to an external receiver. Transverter connector For details, see page 29. (5) Remote connector This connector is used when a linear amplifier is used. (1) IF OUT jack IF 1 is for connection to the SM220 for Pan Display. (8.83 MHz) IF 2 is for connection to the SM220 for RX Modulation Display. (1 00 kHz) (1) PHONE PATCH jacks The IN terminal is used for transmit audio from the phone patch (600 S2). The OUT terminal is used for received audio from the transceiver to the phone patch (600 S2 ). These jacks can also be used for input to and from SSTV, or RTTY terminals. (j) RTTY jack For connection to an RTTY interface unit. (direct keying) (1) EXT SP (external speaker) This terminal is for an external speaker. (W CW KEY jack Used to connect the key during use of CW. Accessory terminals (M Fuse Holder (D AC power connector Connect the supplied power cord. (S VOLTAGE SELECTOR switch Used to select the correct line voltage. 3. OPERATION 31. HEADPHONES AND MICROPHONES Headphones: The TrioKenwood headphones HS4, HS5, HS6 and HS7 can be used with this transceiver. When using other headphones, use 4 to 1 6 ohms impedance. Stereo headphones can also be used. Microphones: The TrioKenwood microphones MC42S (handheld), MC60A, MC80, MC85 (tabletop type) are recommended. Either a low or high i mpedance microphone (500 Q  50. microphone with a separate switch an d MIC line so both PTT may be used and VOX may be selected. The PTT s witch must be isolated from the microphone audio circuit. 32. INITIAL SETTING CONFIRMATION Note: Prior Ensure the VOLTAGE SELECTOR switch is set for your AC line voltage. Ensure the following switches and controls are set as indicated in t he figure below: [1] Ensure the POWER switch is OFF. A ground must b e connected. 2@ An antenna must be connected. [41 The power cord is connected. Caution: F57 Ensure the front panel controls and switches are set Never transmit without the antenna connected. as shown in the figures below. II)i The RX ANT switch is OFF. FAST OFF OF F FRONT PANEL (PITCH)  OP 1 2 o'clock OFF co Turn fully counterclockwise . (AF Gain) Zero@ OFF Turn fully clockwise. (RF G ain) REAR PANEL ( D 7 33 SSB OPERATION  ATT (R F attenuator) switch Inserts 10, 20 or 30 dB of attenuation into the receiver antenna circuit, to protect the RF amplifier and mi xer circuits from distortion caused by excessive inPut signal levels. NB (noise blanker) switch/ control @ (page 22) NB1: Used to reduce/eliminate short duration pulse noise such as an a uto ignition., NB2: Use to reduce/eliminate long duration pulse noise such as the "Russian Woodpecker".  AGC switch @(page 25) MON I (m onitor) switch (1) OFF Used to disable the AGC. (Turns Al lows monitoring of your trans OFF the SMeter function) signal. FAST  Normally used for CW and FSK. SLOWNormally used for SSB, AM and FM. VOX switch (1) (page [31 Used to operate VOX. AUTO/TH RU selector switch (page 18) AUTO: Antenna tuner is on. o@ THRU : Antenna tuner is off. MIC (microphone) connec Connector for microphone. PROC (processor) switch/ control (1) (page 24) Used to actuate the speech processor circuit. RECEIVE 17 Turn on the power. F4] 2@ The meter lamp lights and a frequency is shown on the display. 57  [6] [3] F or operation up to the 7 MHz band, place the MODE switch to LSB. For operation on or above the 1 0 MHz band, use the USB mode. Note: T denotes transmit operation. R denotes receive operation. r PWR (RF power) control (1) Controls the transmit power in SSB, CW and FM modes. Clockwise rotat ion increases power output. Select the desired band by operating the BAND/ KEY switch or with the 1 MHz step switch. Adjust audio volume with the AF (audio gain) control. Adjust the main tuning control so that the desired signal may be clea rly heard. NOTCH control @ (page 22) SQL (squelch) control VOX control (D (page 24) Used to attenuate interference caused Used to adjust squelch sensitivity.GAIN: Used to adjust VOX amplifier by heterodyne type signals. This con Turning the control cl ockwise deepensgain. trol is not effective in reducing interfer t he squelch.DELAY: Used to adjust delay time. ence caused by SSB, FM , or AM type ANTI: Used so that VOX is not ac signals. tu ated by the speaker. RF (RF gain) control (E) Used to control the gain of the high frequ ency amplifiers. For normal operations this should be turned fully c lockwise, for the greatest receiver sensitivity. AF (audio gain) control Used to select the desired amount of audio v olume. Clockwise rotation increases the volume. AT.T switch Used to set the antenna tuner in ge mode. MIC (microphone gain) control Used for adjustment of microphone gain . Turning the control clockwise increases the gain. SSB SLOPE TUNE control (page 21) Used to control the upper and lower limits of the IF Bandwidth. TRANSMISSION Connect themicrophone. Turn on the power. The meter lamp lights and a frequency is shown on the display. For operation up to the 7 MHz band, place the MODE switch to LSB . For operation on or above the 1 0 MHz band, use the USB mode. Set the METER switch to ALC. Turn the PWR control fully clockwise. Press the microphone PTT switch or move the standby switch from REC to SEND. Speak into the microphone and adjust the MIC gain control so tha t the meter deflection does not exceed the ALC zone at voice pea ks. CAL (marker) switch When this switch is ON during receive, the builtin oscillator genera tes a marker at 100 kHz intervals. This switch is also used to zero beat the transceiver against \AFWV. Press the PTT switch. Local Operations This transceiver is equipped with an RF power control to vary transmi t power output. Turning the PWR control counterclockwise reduces the transmit power output. Use of this control will help to reduce inte rference on the bands. 34. CW OPERATION MONI (monitor) switch (D Allows monitoring of transmit signal.  CW breakin selector (!)/@ During CW operation, selects either Full Breakin (FULL) or Semi Breakin (SEMI). vox Must be ON to use Breakin operation. NAR/WIDE filter switch@ Used to select either the normal TS 140S or the optional filter in CW, FSK, ATT (RF attenuator) switch Inserts 10, 20, or 30 dB of attenuation i nto the receiver antenna circuit, to protect the RF amplifier and mix er circuits from distortion caused by excessive input signal levels. N B (noise blanker) switch/ control@ (page 22) NB1: Used to reduce/eliminate short duration pulse noise such as an a uto ignition. NB2: Use to reduce/eliminate long duration pulse noise such as the " Russian Woodpecker". PWR (RF power) control (D Controls the transmit power in SSB, CW and FM modes. Clockwise rotation increases power output. RECEPTION [1] Turn on the power. [2] The meter lamp lights and a frequency is shown on the display. 3@ Set the MODE to FM. [41 Select the desired band by operating the BAND/KEY switch or with the 1 MHz step switch. F5] Adjust audio volume with the AF (audio gain) control. [6] Adjust the main tuning control so that the desired signal can be clearly heard. AGC switch 9 (page 25) OFF  Used to disable the AGC. (Turns OFF the SMeter function). FAST  Normally used for CW and FSK. SLOWNormally used for SSB, AM and FM. NOTCH control @(page 22) Used to attenuate interference caused by het erodyne type signals. This control is not effective in reducing inte rference caused by SSB, FM, or AM type signals. PITCH control @ (page 26) Allows variation of the receiving tone of C W to any desired pitch. AF TUNE control @(page 26) control is used to accentua the desired C W signal. CAr LEVEL control Used to adjust carrier level. CW VBT control@ (page 21) Used to control the effective CW pass bandw idth. Counterclockwise rotation reduces the pass bandwidth. TRANSMISSION Using shielded line, connect a key or keyer to the CW KEY jack on the rear panel. Key plug connection Caution: When using an electric keyer, check the polarity of the key jack is a s shown. Turn on the power. The meter lamp lights and a frequency is shown on the display. Set the MODE to CW. Set the METER switch to ALC. Turn the PWR control fully clockwise. Set the standby switch to SEND, if you are not using SemiBreak in. Depress the key. Note: With the VOX switch ON, pressing the key down permits transmiss ion even with the standby switch set to REC. This is called Semibre akin operation. (See page 23) Adjust the CAR LEVEL control on the top cover so that the meter defle ction is within the ALC zone. After transmission set the standby switch to REC. Note: The frequency display shows the transmit carrier frequency. 35. AM OPERATION ATT (RF attenuator) switchInserts 1 0, 20, or 30 dB of attenuation i nto the receiver antenna circuit, to protect the RF amplifier and mix er circuits from distortion caused by excessive input signal levels. wide/nar filter switch Used to select either the normal or the option al filter in CW, FSK, NB (noise blanker) switch/ control@ (page 22) NB1 : Used to reduce/eliminate short duration pulse noise such as an auto ignition. NB2: Use to reduce/eliminate long duration pulse noise such as the "R ussian Woodpecker". RECEPTION Turn on the power. The meter lamp lights and a frequency is shown on the displ ay. 3@ Set the MODE switch to AM. 4@ Select the desired band by operating the BAND/KEY switch or with the 1 MHz step switch. MIC (microphone gain) control Used for adjustment of microphone gain . Turning the control clockwise increases the gain. Adjust audio volume with the AF (audio gain) control. Adjust the main tuning control so that the desired signal can be clearly heard. Note: If you are receiving a weak DX station or are experiencing some interference, try setting the NAR/WIDE switch to NAR. This reduces the bandwidth and may help reduce or eliminate the interference. NOTCH control @ (page 22) Used to attenuate interference caused by h eterodyne type signals. This control is not effective in reducing in terference caused by SSB, FM, or AM type signals. SQL (squelch) control@ Used to adjust squelch sensitivity. Turning t he control clockwise deepens the squelch. RF (R F gain) control@ Used to control the gain of the high frequency amplifiers. For normal operations this control should be full clockw ise, for the greatest receiver sensitivity. CAR LEVEL control Used to adjust the carrier level.  AF (audio gain) control Used to select the desired amount of audio volume, Clockwise rotation increases the volume. TRANSMISSION E Connect a microphone. Turn on the power. The meter lamp lights and a frequency is shown on the display. Set the MODE to AM. Place the METER switch to POWER. Press the microphone PTT switch or move the standby switch from REC to SEND. Adjust the CAR LEVEL control on the top cover for 50W. Place the METER switch to ALC. Speak into the microphone and adjust the MIC gain control so the meter deflection becomes minimum at voice peaks. Note: If the protection circuit is activated due to poor antenna VSWR , turning the RF PWR control to the maximum, may not provide a 1 OOW meter reading. Therefore check the antenna VSWR. If it is poor, cor rect before transmitting again. 36. FM OPERATION ATT (RF attenuator) switch Inserts 10, 20, or 30 dB of attenuation i nto the receiver antenna circuit, to protect the RF amplifier and mi xer circuits from distortion caused by excessive input signal levels. MONI (monitor) switch Allows monitoring of your transmitting signal. FM MIC GAIN (microphone gain) control (1) Used to adjust microphone amplifier gain. PWR (RF power) control (i) Controls the transmit power in SSB, CW and FM modes. Clockwise rotation increases power output. RECEPTION Turn on the power. The meter lamp lights and a frequency is shown on the display. [31 Set the MODE to FM. 1 F4 Select the desired band by operating the BAND/KEY switch or with the 1 MHz step switch. Adjust audio volume with the AF (audio gain) control. F5 [6] Adjust the main tuning control so that the desired signal may be clearly heard. TRANSMISSION Connect the microphone. Turn on the power. The meter lamp lights up. Set the MODE to FM. Turn the PWR control fully clockwise. Press the microphone PTT switch or place the standby switch to S END. Adjust the PWR control so that the meter deflection is within th e ALC zone.  SQL (squelch) control Used to adjust squelch sensitivity. [Turnina the control clockwise deepens the squelch. RF (RF gain) control Used to control the gain of the high frequency a mplifiers. For normal operations this control should be full clockwi se, for the greatest receive sensitivity. AF (audio gain) control Used to select the desired amount of audio vo lume. Clockwise rotation increases the volume. Press the PTT switch. Local Operation This transceiver is equipped with an RF power control to vary transmi t power output. Turning the PWR control counterclockwise reduces the transmit power output. 37. FSK (RTTY) OPERATION MONI (monitor) switch (1) Allows monitoring of your transmitting sign al. ATT (RF attenuator) switch as above. PWR (R F power) control Controls the transmit power in SSB, CW and FM modes. Clockwise rotation increases power output. RECEPTION [1] Connect the RTTY terminal to the RTTY jack. F2] Turn on the power. ] F3 The meter lamp lights and a frequency is shown on the display. F4 Set the MODE to FSK. [5] Select the desired band by operating the BAND/KEY (1  0) switch or with the 1 MHz step switch. 67 Adjust the AF (audio gain) control. [7] Adjust the main tuning control so that the desired signal is cor rectly demodulated. CAL (marker) switch When this switch is ON during receive, the built in oscillator generates a marker at 100 KHz intervals. This switch i s also used to zerobeat the transceiver against WWV. PROC (processor) switch/control * page 24 OUT: Controls the output le vel. NOTCH control@(page 22) control @ Used to attenuate interference caus ed by heterodyne type signals. This control is not effective in reduc ing interference caused by SSB, FM, or AM type signals. SQL (Squelch) Used to adjust squelch sensitivity. Turning the contro l clockwise deepens the squelch. RF (R F gain) control@ Used to control the gain of the high frequency amplifiers. For normal operations this control should be full clock wise, for the greatest receiver sensitivity.  AF (audio gain) control Used to select the desired amount of audio volume. Clockwise rotation inreases the volume. CW VBT control @(page 2 1) Used to control the effective CW pass band width. Counterclockwise rotation reduces the pass bandwidth. TRANSMISSION Connect the RTTY keyboard to the RTTY jack on the rear panel. Turn on the power. The meter lamp lights and a frequency is shown on the display. Set the MODE to FSK. Set the METER switch to ALC. Set the standby switch to SEND. Adjust the PROCESSOROUT control so that the meter deflection is with in the ALC zone. Operate the RTTY keyboard. CAUTION: The TS940S may be operated at full power for no more than 1 hour wit h the transmitter keyed continuously. If transmissions longer than o ne hour are necessary, use the RF POWER control to reduce the output level of the TS940S to 50 watts or less. 4. AUTO ANTENNA TUNER OPERATION If the TS940S is operated into an antenna with a high SWR, the final stage SWR protection circuit may operate (when SWR is greater than a pproximately 2: 1). Use of the AT940 Automatic Antenna Tuner will h elp you to match the antenna to the transceiver. The AT940 is capab le of matching a 20  150 ohm load, or approximately a 3 : 1 SWR. If the antenna and feed line exceed this range the tuner may not be abl e to find the correct match. If the tuner cannot match after two att emps, check your antenna and feed lines. Output power of the TS940S will automatically be set to approximatel y 10 watts during the tuning process to protect the finals against da mage. While the automatic antenna tuner is capable of reducing the apparent SWR of the antenna system, it is important to remember that maximum power output will only occur when the antenna has been adjusted for t he lowest possible SWR. To operate the AT940: 1 . Set the AUTO/THRU switch to ON. The AT indicator will light. 2. Press the AT.T switch. The LCD will display message (a), for appr oximately 3 seconds. 3. While the "Tune Ready" message is appearing, pres the SEND switc h, or CW key, and the antenna tuner will begin tuning. The message sh own in (b) will appear in the LCD display to confirm tuning is in pro gress. 4. When tuning has finished, message (c) will appear in the LCD disp lay. 5) If tuning cannot beaccomplished within approximately 30 seconds after the beginning of the tuning process, the message that appears i n (d) will appear. Switch to receive, wait a few moments, and then tr y ANTENNA TUNER again. If no match can again be found, check your ant enna feedline, and antenna system. ANTENNA TUNER Note: TUNING .... When adjusting an external antenna tuner, reduce the outp ut power of the TS940S to approximately 50 watts. This will provide adequate protection for the final amplifiers during tuning. 5. OPERATION 2 51. FREQUENCY AND BAND SELECTION 0 (b) Main display Displays the operating frequency to the nearest 1 00 or 1 0 Hz depend ing upon the setting of the DISPLAY resolution switch on the top cont rol panel. RIT frequency is displayed up to  9.99 kHz. The DISPLAY switch on the top panel allows you to select the desired resolution. The analog scale display will normally indicate the rela tive band position through a 1 MHz range, in 20 kHz steps. The step size and tuning range may be changed to 2 kHz steps in a 1 00 kHz ran ge thru use of the SCALE switch. Main Tuning control Controls the dual digital VFO's operating in 10 H z steps, at a rate of 10 kHz per revolution for normal slow tuning. When the control is rotated at a rate of over 5.5 to 6 revolutions pe r second the tuning rate will increase in geometric progression. The faster the knob is rotated the greater the tuning step. BAND/KEY switch Selects one of the 10 HF amateur radio bands between 1.8 MHz and 29.7 MHz. Note: Also used for direct keyboard entry of frequency. See page 34. 01 MHz step (UP/DOWN) switch Increases (UP) or decreases (DOWN) the displayed frequency in 1 MHz s teps, throughout the entire frequency range of the transceiver. Pres sing and holding either switch will cause the frequency to continuous lly step up or down as long as the switch is held depressed. INDICATORS LOCK indicator Lights up when the F. LOCK switch is pressed. VFO A indicator Lights up during VFO A operation. VFO B indicator Lights up during VFO B operation. MEMO (Memory) channel idicator Shows memory channel operation and lig hts up when setting the VFO/M switch to MEMO. RiT indicator@ Lights up when turning on the RIT switch XiT indicator@ Lights up when the XIT switch is ON. ON AIR indicator Lights during transmit. ANT TUNE (Antenna Tuner) indicator T Lights to show the automatic ant enna tuner is in operation. When lit, do not operate further until it goes off. NOTCH indicator Lights when the NOTCH switch is ON. DIM (Dimmer) switch Selects the intensity of both the main digital di splay and the meter illumination, bright or dim. 53. FUNCTION SWITCH OPERATION These select receive and transmit frequencies. TF SET switch Depress the switch to "SPOT", or momentarily select th e transmit frequency when operating in the "SPLIT" mode. Frequency " Spotting" is possible only in receive and is ineffective during trans mission. A/B switch Selects the VFO A or VFO B. In VFO A or B, mode, RIT and X IT can be set separately. SPLIT switch For split frequency operations; AR, BT (A receive, B t ransmit), or BR, AT. When the switch is on, the SPLIT indicator lig hts. A3DB switch Used to equalize the frequency of the idle VFO with that of the active VFO. RIT, XIT and mode are also equalized. F. LOCK switch Used to lock the frequency of the VFO. In this state, the frequency cannot be varied with the main tuning control or band switches. However, RIT and XIT still function. The F. LOCK indicator lights. VOICE switch When the optional VS1 voice unit is installed the opera ting frequency will be announced whenever the VOICE switch is pressed . For a dial frequency of 14.200.00 the frequency will be announced a s: "One", "four", "point", "two", "zero", "zero", 11 zero 11,11 zer o Note: If the voice synthesizer (VS1 installed) is not activated even when the VOICE switch is operated, turn the POWER switch OFF and turn it ON again to release the locked state. 1 9 54. DUAL VFO OPERATION The TS940S has two VFO'S, A and B, which are controlled by the micro processor. The Main Display and Subdisplay provide complete operatin g information for these VFO'S. The active VFO is shown in red on the Main display, and on the Subdisplay (See Section 73). To change the active VFO press the A/B switch. 55. TF SET SWITCH To operate SPLIT frequency (different transmit a nd receive frequency): 1 .Enter the desired receive frequency into the Active VFO. 2. Press the SPLIT key. The SPLIT indicator will light. 3. Press the TF SET switch and hold. The transceiver will switch to the idle VFO so that you can select the transmit frequency. 4. Release the TF SET switch to return to the receive frequency. 56. METER Provides seven different functions, depending on the METE R switch setting. In receive the meter is automatically an Smeter, and shows the received signal strength on a scale of 0 to 60 dB over S9. In transmit, the meter function depends on the position of the M ETER switch. This is an average responding meter, NOT a peakreading meter. * (S METER switch (D D7 COMP  Indicates compression level during speech processor ope rations. Do not exceed 10 dB of compression. D7 ALC (Automatic Level Control)  Indicates internal ALC voltage , or the ALC voltage fed back from a linear amplifier connected to th is transceiver. D7 POWER: Indicates transmitter RF output power. D7 SWR: Indicates voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR). D7 IC: Indicates the power transistor collector current (IC). The IC meter is calibrated at the values normally encountered at fu ll power, its indication may not be accurate at lower power settings. D7 VC: Indicates the power transistor collector voltage (VC). + 2 0 +40 57. INTERFERENCE REDUCTION CAPABILITY SSB SLOPE TUNE control During SSB reception, these controls permit yo u to reduce the apparent IF filter bandwidth and therefore reduce adj acent channel interference. SSB SLOPE TUNE HIGH CUT control: Adjust the HIGH CUT contr6l counterc lockwise, and interference from signals higher than the operating fre quency will be reduced. The highfrequency components of the resulti ng receiver audio will also be reduced. The GRAPH function of t he Sub display will graphically show the approximate change in IF pas sband. D7 SSB SLOPE TUNE LOW CUT control: Adjust the LOW CUT control clo ckwise, and interference from signals lower than the operating freque ncy will be reduced. As with the HIGH CUT control, use of the LOW CU T control will also affect the audio frequency passband. In this case the low frequency components of the audio signal will be reduced. Ma ximum bandwidth occurs with the LOW CUT control fully counterclockwis e, and the HIGH CUT control full clockwise. If you are unsure check the SUB Display. CW VBT (Variable Bandwidth Tuning) control This control is very simil ar to the SSB Slope Tuning controls. However, with the CW VBT contro l both sides of the IF passband are narrowed at the same time. The a ctual range depends upon the CW filters that have been installed. A description of the different possibilities fol;ows: (i) When the filter bandwidth is 2.4 kHz (no filters) the passb and varies from 2.4 kHz to 600 Hz. (ii) When the optional YK88C1 (8.83 MHz, 500 Hz filter) or the YG4 55C1 (455 kHz, 500 Hz filter) filter is installed the passband varie s from 500 Hz to approximately 150 Hz. (iii) In general the optional YG455CN1 is not recommended for use w ith the CW VBT circuit. This is because the widest position is only 250 Hz. Since the optional filter center frequency is 700 Hz higher t han that of the builtin 2.7 kHz filter, the CW receive tone will be about 800 Hz without using the PITCH control. VBT operation is illus trated in the Figure at the right. 0 (9 NOTCH control Use this control when you are experiencing interfe rence from a CW Heterodyne type signal. Turn the NOTCH ON and slowly adjust the NOTCH control to minimize the beat signal. A beat of app roximately 1.5 kHz can be reduced at the approximate center position of the control. Please note that this control will not eliminate SSB , AM or FM type interference. The bandwidth of such signals is appro ximately 3  6 kHz wide. When in the USB, CW or AM mode a beat tone lower than the center frequency can be reduced by rotating the contro l clockwise from the center point. In LSB or FSK mode adjust the con trol counterclockwise. 58. NOISE BLANKER 9 (B N B 1 switch@ For pulse type noise, such as generated by automot ive ignition systems, turn the NB1 switch ON. Adjusting the NB LEVEL control varies the blanker's threshold, eliminating even low level n oises. NOTE: If high level receiver levels are present on an adjacent frequency, d o not use excessive NB threshold LEVEL as it may cause receiver disto rtion. If you are operating near other strong signals, use the RF AT T along with the noise blanker level control. 9 (S NB2 switch@ Noise blanker 2 is used for long duration pulse nois e, like the "Russian Woodpecker". Unfortunately no noise blanker can remove all different types of interference, but the two noise blanker s that have been provided in the TS940S are effective in most cases. 0 ON B LEVEL control@ Controls the noise blanker operating level. Us e only the minimum level necessary. 59. ZERO BEATING In CW operation equalizing your receiving frequenc y with that of your transmit is called "Zero beating". The TS940S e nables you to zero beat in the following manner. 1 Set the MONI switch (monitor) to MONI. 2. If the VOX switch is ON, set it to OFF and depress the key with re ception mode. 3. A side tone is heard from the speaker. 4. Adjust the main tuning control so that the transmit frequency of t he station you are receiving is equal to the side tone frequency. Now , zero beating is completed. 51 0. CW BREAKIN During CW operation, the transceiver will automatically enter transmi ssion mode when the key is depressed, if the VOX switch is turned ON in the standby mode. There are two breakin modes available with the TS940S. Semi breakin Place the VOX switch ON. Place the SEMI/FULL switc h to SEMI Place the STANDBY switch to REC. Full breakin Place the VOX switch to ON. Place the SEMI/FULL switch to FULL. Place the STANDBY switch to REC. This unit has a builtin side tone oscillator circuit which allows yo u to monitor your own sending. The TS940S will now transmit whenever the CW key is closed. Adjust the VOX DELAY control so that the transceiver remains keyed between w ords. The transceiver will now immediately switch back to receive whenever the CW key is opened, allowing you to receive between dots/dashes. T his feature is convenient when operating DX, Contests, or just Rag ch ewing by allowing a quicker response to incoming calls. Notes: If the DIN plug is put into the REMOTE terminal on the back of the tr ansceiver, the linear control relay will operate when signal is trans mitted. The relay operates when the key is simply pressed down at fu ll breakin. Therefore, do not put the DIN plug into the REMOTE term inal when quiet operation is desired. Full Breakin operation is not possible with the TL922(A) linear amp lifier. Make sure your linear amplifier is capable of full QSK operat ions. 511. VOX OPERATION (Voice Operated Transmit) Depress the VOX switch (1). While speaking into the microphone, incr ease the VOX GAIN control (A) until the VOX relay just operates. Clo ckwise rotation of this control will increase the sensitivity. For V OX operation it is sometimes desirable to "CloseTalk" the microphone in order to prevent background noises from tripping the transmitter. 1 . Check that the ALC reading on voice peaks is still within the A LC zone on the meter. If necessary, readjust the MIC gain contr ol for the proper ALC reading. 2. If the VOX circuit is activated by the output from the speaker, adjust the ANTIVOX control (C) as necessary for proper VOX oper ation. 3. Do not use excessive VOX or ANTIVOX settings. This may cause t he VOX circuit to operate erratically. Use only the necessary c ontrol setting. 4. If the VOX circuit transfers between words, or holds too long, a djust the release timeconstant using the DELAY control (B). 512. SPEECH PROCESSOR During SSB operation (especially DX operations), it may be desirable to increase the relative "talkpower" of the transmitter by using the speech processor circuitry. This may make the difference between a marginal, and a copyable signal. D7 Operation Turn the PROCESSOR switch (5D ON and place the meter switch to C OMP. Adjust the PROCESSOR IN control (n while speaking into the microphone in a normal tone of voice, for a peak COMP scale reading of no more than 10 dB. Do not overdrive the COMPRESSOR. This will d eteriorate voice quality, increase transmitter noise level, and in general make copying your signal more difficult. Next, set th e METER switch to ALC and adjust the PROCESSOR OUT control (5$ while speaking into the microphone. Ensure that the meter deflection is wi thin the ALC zone! 513. OTHER CONTROL AND SWITCH FUNCTIONS 0 (1) ATT switch A strong adjacent signal may occasionally conceal a weaker nearby s ignal, or the S meter may deflect offscale when the receiver is tune d to a strong local signal. The input to the RF amplifier may be attenuated by 10, 20 or 30 dB using the RF ATT switc h. This will help to reduce or eliminate interference and distortion 66rom these stronger stations. ORF GAIN CONTROL RF GAIN is controlled by changing the AGC threshold voltage. Adjust the RF GAIN so the Smeter reading increases to a point just lower th an speech peaks. This also reduces noise during reception. For norm al operation, this control should be turned fully clockwise for maxim um sensitivity. 0 (1) AGC switch The AGC control is normally set as follows: FAST............. CW, FSK SLOW........... SSB OFF............... Weak signal reception The Smeter does not function in the OFF position. Simultaneous use of the RF GAIN control and AGC switch may be of assi stance when strong local signals are present. If a strong signal (su ch as a local amateur radio station) appears near the desired receive signal, the Smeter may show unusual deflection due to the AGC volta ge that is developed as a result of the strong meter being signal. I f this occurs, turn the RF GAIN down so the meter pointer remains at approximately the original deflection peak, and turn the AGC switch O FF. This will eliminate the unwanted AGC voltage and permit clear rec eption. D7 (DRIT/XIT control D7 RIT: First, cancel any previously programmed offset using the CLEAR key, t hen turn the RIT switch ON. The RIT control allows shifting the recei ver frequency  9.99 kHz. The RIT display will show the offset to th e nearest 1 00 Hz. Use of the RIT control will not affect the transm it frequency. When the RIT switch is ON, the RIT indicator will light , and the receive frequency can be adjusted by using the RIT control. Pressing the CLEAR switch restores the RIT to the previous status. Note: When the RIT is ON the transmit frequency may be different from the r eceive frequency. For normal operation leave the RIT switch OFF. It should be used only when necessary. 0 XIT (Transmitter Incremental Tuning) Transmitter Incremental tuning is very similar to RIT (Receiver Incre mental Tuning). XIT is only active in the transmit mode. By using the XIT function it is possible to offset the transmit frequency with out the normal loss of receiver audio that is experienced when using the SPLIT function. Offsets of  9.9 kHz are possible. The RIT/XIT o ffset can be preset, without affecting the actual operating frequency by turning OFF the XIT/RIT and using the RIT/XIT display to determin e the offset. o AF TUNE The AF TUNE circuit is just the opposite of the NOTCH circuit. With this control it is possible to accentuate the desired signal by provi ding additional rejection of noise and interfering signals whose pitc h (tone) falls outside the audio passband. Turn the AF TUNE switch ON and adjust the AF TUNE control to peak the desired signal. RIT. PITCH control The CW PITCH control is provided so that you may adjust the pitch or tone of the incoming CW signal so that the tone is pleasing to you. The TS940S accomplishes this without shifting the actual transmit or receive frequency, by shifting the 100 kHz IF frequency, just prior to Product Detection. 514. RTTY RTTY operation requires a demodulator and a teletypewriter. A demodu lator including 2,125 and 2,295 Hz (1 70 Hz shift) filters, will be a cceptable and may be connected directly to the PHONE PATCH OUT jack. To use the transceiver's FSK circuit with older high voltage teletyp e equipment, you must use an external keying relay in the teletypewri ter closed loop, and connect the relay contacts to the rearpanel RTT Y KEY jack. During FSK operation, the SPACE frequency is shown on the display. The TS940S will adapt to Slow Scan Television or RTTY operationFor SSTV, the PHONE PATCH IN jack should be connected to the Camera outpu t. The PHONE PATCH OUT jack should be connected to the moni tor input. For AFSK operation, connect the Tone Unit output to the Phone Patch i nput, and Phone Patch output to the Tone Unit input. In FSK operation the space frequency is indicated on the main display . 515. CONNECTORS Operation with a Linear Amplifier The TS940S may be operated with any conventional linear amplifier wh ich will accept up to approximately 1 25 watts of RF drive, has a low current DC operated keying circuit, and returns approximately 8 to 1 0 vdc ALC back to the exciter. Please note that in order to opera te full QSK (full breakin) the linear amplifier must also be QSK cap able. Refer to the REMOTE connector diagram. Initial linear amplifier tuneup should be performed with the TS940S set for 50 watts output to reduce wear and tear on both the linear, and the TS940S. Use of a dummy load is strongly recommended, since the bands are already su fficiently crowded. 6. MEMORY OPERATIONS The TS940S provides 40 memory channels in 4 groups of 10 memories ea ch. A MEMORY BANK switch is provided, under the sliding top cover, to select the desired memory bank. The Main Display shows which of t he 1 0 memories has been selected in each group. The TS940S stores both frequency and mode. 61. MEMORY CHANNEL ENTRY Select the desired memory bank using the MEMORY switch on the top pan el. Select the desired operating frequency and mode Select the desired method. 3. Press and hold the M.IN key. MEMOO 4. Press the desired memory channel number using the 01 number print ed over the BAND/KEY switches as a guide. For example, to store 14.250.0 into memory channel 25: If the main display indicates MEMOR A: 1 .Select the second group of memories by placing the MEMORY BANK swi tch to 2. 2. Press the 14 MHz BAND switch. 3. Use the Main Tuning Dial to select 14.250.0 MHz. 4. Press and hold the M.IN key. 5. Press the 5/14 MHz key to store the frequency in memory. A beep will sound to confirm data entry. 6. Release the M.IN key. VFOA or B press the VFO/M switch. Hz Note: 0t 04 kH@ w !II 210 ... 3,00400.500 11 600, 1 7001 1 800, 1 900, 1 1 000 if the display indicates MEMO (A or B) you will not be ......if liti ..I III III III III II able to enter a memory channel. You must first select VFO operation by pressing the VFO/M switch. 62. MEMORY RECALL Select the desired memory bank using the MEMORY BANK SELECT SW itch o n the top panel. Press the VFO/M key so that MEMO A or B appears in display. Press the desired memory channel number using the BAND/KEY switches. By using the SCROLL switch you can review the contents of the Memory Bank. Each time you depress the switch you will advance one memory ch annel. An example is shown in the figure at the right. Pressing and h olding the SCROLL switch will cause the display to sequentially displ ay the memory bank contents. The main display indicates memory channe l data. 63. MEMORY SCAN an operates within any memory channel econd intervals. Memory channe ls with no are skipped during Memory Scan. emory Scan: 1. Sele ct t e desired memory channel group using the MEMORY BANK switch on t he top panel. 2. Press the MS key. Scan will start immediately. Note: Once the desired memory channel is found the data can be easily trans ferred to the active VFO. To shift the data to the VFO, press t he HOLD switch and then the M @ VFO switch. Pressing the M @ VFO swi tch releases the MS and HOLD functions. To resume Memory Scan, simpl y press the MS switch. If there is no data stored in any of the 1 0 m emory positions of a group, a triple "BEEP" will sound to signal an e rror. 64. PROGRAM SCAN ble scan will scan between the limits set in nnels 9 and 0. Sinc e there are 4 banks of his means that you can program up to 4 di fram scan limits. Scan proceeds from the lower channel to the upper channel. Either channel 9 or 0 may hold the lower frequency. I f either channel contains no data, the Program Scan will not start, a nd a triple "BEEP" will sound to signal an error. To initiate Program Scan: 1 .Select the desired memory channel group with the MEMORY BANK switch. 2. Ensure the transceiver is in the VFO mode. (Program scan wi ll not work in the Memory mode.) 3. Press the PG.S switch to start scan. 4. To pause during Program Scan press the HOLD switch. To res ume scan release the HOLD switch. 5. To release PG.S press the PG.S switch. 65. DIRECT KEYBOARD FREQUENCY ENTRY Direct entry of the desired frequency is also possible with the TS940S transceiver. 1. Select VFO operation. 2. Press the ENT key. The display will indicate as in figure (1). 3. Enter the desired operating frequency from the Most Significant Digit to the Least Significant Digit. 4. After all the digits have been entered, press the ENT key again. It is not necessary to enter trailing zeros. For example: To enter 14.200.00 press the following keys, in the indi cated order. [ENT], [1, [4, [2, [0, [0, [0, [0 Ent. Note: Attempting to enter a frequency outside the range of 1 0001 3 0 KHz  30 MHz will cause the display to revert to the When frequenci es are entered down to the nearest 10 Hz, it is not necessary to pres s the ENT key, for the last digit. 66. CLEARING MEMORY Memory scan speed may be effectively increased by erasing unwanted memory channels. Procedure: 1 . Press the SCROLL switch to review the contents of the memory. 2 . S elect the desired memory group with the MEMORY BANK switch. 3. Se lect VFO operation with the VFO/M switch. 4. To eras e the data, press and hold the M.CE switch and then the BAND/KEY swit ch that corresponds to the memory channel you wish to erase. The SUB display will clear indicating the memory channel has been cleared. 7. SUBDISPLAY FUNCTION The SubDisplay provides four different types of information: (1) Ti mer (2) Graph (3) Frequency (4) Antenna Tuner Status Items (1), (2), and (3) can be selected by pressing the CLOCK, GRAPH, or SCROLL switches respectively. Item (4) however, is selected when ever the Antenna Tuner function has been activated. 71. SETTING THE CLOCK The Clock is programmed with the SET, GRAPH, SCROLL, and CLOCK keys. The clock is a 24 hour clock. Setting the Current time: Example: Setting the clock to 12: 00. 1 Press the CLOCK key to select the clock display. 2. Press the SET switch to prepare the clock for setting. A flashi ng "?" will appear on the upper clock position, as shown in figu re (2). 3. By pressing the GRAPH key you can program the "Hours" position. Each time the GRAPH key is pressed the hour will advance by 1. Press ing and holding the key will cause the hours digits to count up seque ntially. Use the SCROLL switch to set the minutes. Going past 59 mi nutes will not cause the hours digit to increment. 4. You may synchronize the time with a time standard by pressing th e SET switch to "Zero" the seconds. (Seconds are not displayed.) 5. If you wish to clear the Timer displays on the lower row, press the CLOCK switch to move the flashing "?" to the lower left time display, as shown in (5). Then press and hold the SET switch for a few seconds. 72. GRAPHIC DISPLAY When the GRAPH key is pressed, either "SLOPE" (SSB) or "VBT" (all oth er modes) will be displayed along with a graphic illustration of the relative passband width. In SSB operation (VBT is displayed in all ot her modes) NOTES: 1 . This display does not show the exact bandwidth, but is included to provide a quick visual reference only. 2. If the CW VBT control is rotated quickly, the graphic display may not immediately respond to this input. A slight delay is normal, in this instance. 3. If any function of the Subdisplay fails to function properly, t urn the power switch OFF and then ON to reset the microprocessor. 73. FREQUENCY DISPLAY When in the VFO mode the upper row of the Subdisplay will show the i dle VFO, its frequency and mode. When in the memory mode the upper r ow of the Subdisplay will show the active VFO, its frequency and mod e, The lower row of the subdisplay will show the active VFO when in the VFO mode, and memory channel information when in the memory mode. Notes: 1. If the SCROLL key is pressed and held the subdisplay will scan through the contents of the current Memory Group and the active VFO. 2. The frequency displayed in the subdisplay for the VFO does not include any RIT/XIT offsets. 8. TIMER FUNCTIONS The timer has three functions. It functions when the TIMER switch is set to ON. Timer MODE DISPLAY (A) Nonactive mode (clock display only) In this mode, the timer does not 4 35 function even when the TIMER switch is on. TIMER (B) Single mode OPERATION (C) (Transceiver "ON" or "OFF") In the example at right the transceiver is OFF. When the transceiver has switched ON the timer will automatically revert to the nonactiv e mode, and the timer will reset to 0:00. 24 Hour single event timer In the example at right the transceiver will turn ON at 1 3 : 1 0 and will be switched OFF at 4: 50 the next day. The timer always display s the next operation to be performed in the lower left position. In our example, after the radio has turned ON at 1 3 : 1 0 the display w ill change and the OFF time of 4: 50 will be displayed in the lower l eft position. 4 35 on 13 : 10 This setting can be confirmed by turning the TIMER switch OFF. 4 : 35 on 13 10 off 4 : 50 la 13 10 off 4 50 on 13 10 Execution time Next execution time 37 Programming the TIMER Always ensure that the TIMER switch is OFF before attempting to progr am the timer. Display example N Example l: Disabling the timer 1) Press the CLOCK switch to select the clock display. 4 35 off 15 00 on 19 10 2) Press the SET switch. A flashingwill appear in the (2) top display. 4 ? 35 3) Press the CLOCK switch to move the flashing "?" to the off 15 00 on 19 1 0 lower left timer display. (3) 4) Press and hold the SET switch for 0.5 seconds or long 4 35 er. Both timer displays will blank and only the clock off 1 5 ? 00 on 19 IO display will appear. The timer is now inactive, and the TIMER switch on the front panel will not function. (4) 4 35 n Example 2: Setting the timer for Single Execution (ON at 13: 00) 1) Press the CLOCK, SET, and then the CLOCK key to cause the flashing "?" to appear in the lower left (execu 4 35 tion) display. off 15 00 on 19 10 2) Whether you want to execute an ON or OFF operation may be selected by using the SET key. Pressing the(2) SET key will cause the "Execution" display to alternate4 35 between ON or OFF. 3) Use the GRAPH (hour) switch to select "13", and theon 15 ? 00 off 19IO SCROLL (minute) switch to select "00". Pressing either(3) the GRAPH or the SCROLL switch will cause the selected figure to advanc e sequentially.4 : 35 4) Press the CLOCK switch and the flashing "?" will apon 13 ? 1 0 off 19 : 10 pear in the lower right display.(4) 5) Press and hold the SET key for 0.5 seconds or longer. 435 This will turn OFF the lower right display. The "Clock" and "E xecution" displays will remain ON. on 1310 off 19 ? 10 (5) 435 on 13 I 0 38 0 Example 3: Programming the 24 hour timer (ON 13: 10/OFF 4: 50) 1) Press the CLOCK key to select the Clock display. 2) Press the SET switch. The flashing "?" should appear in the Clo ck position. 3) Press the CLOCK switch to move the flashing "?" to the "Executio n" (lower left) position. 4) Press the SET key so that "ON" appears in the "Execution" displa y. 5) Press the GRAPH key to set the hour to "l 3". Press the SCROLL key to set the minute to " 1 0". 6) Press the CLOCK key to move the flashing "?" to the lower right position. Use the GRAPH and SCROLL keys to select "4:50". 7) Press the CLOCK key. The flashing "?'@ will disappear, and all 3 display positions will remain ON. 4 35 off 15 00 on 19 1 0 (2) 4 ? 35 off 15 00 on 19 : 10 (3) 4 35 off 15 ? 00 on 19 : IO (4) 4 : 35 on 13 ? 10 off 1 9 00 (5) 4 35 on 13 I 0 off 4 ? 50 (6) 4 35 on 13 I 0 off 4 50 39 9. OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES 91. PERIPHERAL DEVICES AND OPTIONS The following optional accessories are available for more efficient a nd enjoyable operation of the TS940S. N AT940 AUTOMATIC ANTENNA TUNER The TS940S is available either with or without a builtin automatic antenna tuner. The tuning range is automatically preselected at ban d selection. Reflected power and final stage lc (collector current) are monitored to control the tuning motors for the lowest SWR. The tuner covers all amateur bands from 1 60 through 1 0 meters, incl uding the new WARC bands. Matching capability is 20 to 150 ohms, unb alanced. The front panel "AUTOTHRU" switch allows bypassing the tun er, if desired. N SPEAKER SP940 The SP940 is a lowdistortion speaker with selectable frequency resp onse for high intelligibility in any mode. The frequency response is shaped by selectable builtin audio filters, which are effective in i mproving the signaltonoise ratio under certain interference conditio ns, or when receiving weak signals. 0 STATION MONITOR SM220 Built around a basic 10 MHz oscilloscope, the SM220 station monitor features, in combination with a builtin twotone generator, a variet y of waveformobserving capabilities. In addition the TS940S provides the capability of "Pan display" or s pectrum analysis of band activity when the optional BS8 is used with the SM220. 0 HF LINEAR AMPLIFIER TL922/TL922A The TL922 is an HF linear amplifier that employs a pair of 350OZ hi gh performance transmitting tubes. Coverage is provided for 1 60  1 0 meters. Coverage is not provided for the WARC bands. The TL922A is available only in the U.S.A and does not cover the 10 meter band a s delivered from the factory. The linear is easily converted for use on 1 0 meters by the owner. D7 HS4 COMMUNICATIONS HEADPHONES 0 HS5 COMMUNICATIONS HEADPHONES Headphones designed for communicatio ns equipment. These lightweight open airtype headphones remain cor nfortable during extended operation. Easily attached earpads are pro vided. o VS1 VOICE SYNTHESIZER N HS6 COMMUNICATIONS HEADPHONES Deluxe, very lightweight headphones designed for communications equi pment. D7 HS7 MICRO HEADPHONES D7 MC42S HAND HELD MICROPHONE E MC60A BASE STATION MICROPHONE Communications microphone with push totalk and remote frequency UP/DOWN switches. E SO1: TEMPERATURE COMPENSATED CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR FOR THE TS940S Th e SO1 is a crystal oscillator used for the purpose of further improv ing the frequency stability of TS940S. (Oscillation frequency: 20 MH z, Range of frequency correction: @ 60 Hz) FOR am YK88A1 (6 dB bandwidth: 6 kHz, 8,830.0 kHz) Center Frequency: 8,830.0 kHz Passband Width: 6 kHz (6 dB) Attenuation Bandwidth: 1 1 kHz (60 dB) Guaranteed Attenuation: More than 80 dB YK88A1 For CW 0 YK88C1 (6 dB bandwidth: 500 Hz, 8,830.0 kHz) Center Frequency: 8,830.0 kHz Passband Width: 500 Hz (6 dB) Attenuation Bandwidth: 1.5 kHz (60 dB) Guaranteed Attenuation: More than 80 dB YK88C1 0 YG455C1 (6 dB bandwidth: 500 Hz, 455 kHz) Center Frequency: 455.0 kHz Passband Width: 500 Hz (6 dB) Attenuation Bandwidth: 820 Hz (60 dB) Guaranteed Attenuation: More than 80 dB N YG455CN1 (6 dB bandwidth: 250 Hz, 455 kHz) Center Frequency: 455.0 kHz Passband Width: 250 Hz (6 dB) Attenuation Bandwidth: 480 Hz (60 dB) Guaranteed Attenuation: More than 80 dB YG455CN1 Recommended filter pair 41 92. INSTALLATION OF ACCESSORIES 1. Preparation (1) Prepare the following tools. 0 No. 2 Philips screwdriver 0 Diago nal cutters (2)Unplug the power cord from the AC outlet before starting work. (3) Remove the 8 top and 8 bottom case screws and remove the covers. 93. OPTIONAL FILTER INSTALLATION (1) Install the filters at the appropriate locations on the signal u nit. Tighten the supplied mounting screws. If any of the capac itors that are mounted on the signal unit interfere with filter insta llation, they may be gently" bent out of the way. 0 YK88A1 Remove jumper wire W21 from the YK88A1 position with a diagona l cutter. Install the YK88A1 and tighten the supplied mounting screws. N YK88C1 Remove jumper wire W22 from the YK88C1 position with a diagona l cutter. Install the YK88C1 and tighten the supplied mounting screws. 0 YG455C1 or YG455CN1 Remove jumper wire W31 from the YG455C(N)1 position with a diagonal cutter. Install t he YG455(N)1 and tighten the supplied mounting screws. COMBINATION OF IF FILTERS MODE NARWIDE 883 MHz IF 455 kHz IF Overall pass SSB SLOPE CW VBT AFTUNE NOTCH Note switch switch bandwidth TUNE 2 HICUT to SSB WIDE or 2.4 kHz 2.4 kHz 1500 Hz 4 NARROW (Stock) (Stock) 2.4 kHz LOWCUT to Yes 700 Hz WIDE 2.4 kHz 2.4 kHz 2.4 kHz  600 Hz  Yes Yes 2.4 kHz Filt er CW/FSK (YK88C1 (YG455C1 500 Hz  1 50 Hz  Yes Yes combination 2 NARROW 500 Hz) 500 Hz) 500 Hz recommended .1 for CW VBT 2.4 kHz (YG455CN1 250 Hz  *3Ye s Yes For narrower 250 Hz 6 kHz 6 kHz   WIDE (YK88A1 6 kHz 6 kHz  4  6 k Hz  Yes AM 6 kHz) 2.4 kHz 2.4 kHz 2.4 kHz  600 Hz NARROW (YK88A 1 2.4 kHz 2.4 kHz  2 .4 kHz*  Yes 6 kHz) I *3 Table 91 Note: r() 3D Optional filter installed. YK88C1 *1 Shows recommended optional filter combination for cw. *2 AF TUNE in FSK mode does not work. *3 Although VBT circuit operates, not recommended. *4 No optional SSB filters. 94. AT940 INSTALLATION 1. Remove the top and bottom covers as shown (1 6 screws). 2. First place the AT940 unit on the mounting space and insert a s oft rag or some other such item to raise the AT940 off the chas sis for cable connection. 3. Connect the plus, using the numbers printed on each plug, and us ing the figure as a guide. 4. Remove the object that was inserted as a spacer and secure the A T940 with the 4 screws provided. 5. Disconnect cable (a) and plug it onto the AT940 OUT terminal as shown. Connect cable lb) as shown by the arrow. Reverse the procedure in Step 1 to replace the top and bottom covers. This completes the installation of the AT940. 95. VS1 INSTALLATION Note: Two 3pin jacks are on the VS1 pc board. The outer jack is J01. Us e this jack when connecting. When the VS1 unit is installed, the displayed frequency is announced by synthesized voice. To install, proceed as follows: (1) Remove the top cover with a No. 2 Philips screwdriver. (2) Place the VS1 unit on the space shown in the figure and secure it with 4 screws supplied. (3) Connect 3pin (A) and 8pin (B) plugs equipped with the TS940S as shown to J01 (3pin jack) and J02 (8pin jack). 96. SO1 INSTALLATION 1 .Disconnect Power before Proceeding! 2. Using a No. 2 Philips screwdriver, remove the transceiver top co ver (8 screws). 3. Remove four screws from the Digital unit shield. Be careful of the wiring and protect the top edge of the front pane l and the SMeter terminals, when lifting the shield and digital unit forward. Reset the assembly on the top of the front panel with a cardboard or similar protective buffer so the panel is not ma rked or scratched. 4. Remove 8 screws securing the PLL unit. 5. Using a 45W (or less) soldering iron, remove those components fr om the PLL PCB from the space into which the SO1 unit will be m ounted. REMOVE: TC1, Xl, Ql, C2  6, Rl  4. 6. Before mounting the SO1, clear the solder from the four mountin g holes. Install the SO1 unit as shown and solder its four pos ts to the PC board. Solder sparingly, and heat the connections only long enough to insure a good solder joint. Don't overheat the S O1 or circuit board. Clip the SO1 leads flush to the circuit board . 7. Before reassembly, verify digital display calibration. Note, however, that the adjustment is no longer avai4 lable from the side of the transceiver, but is on top of the SO 1. 8. Remount the PLL unit and digital unit shield with top panel a ssembly. Note: During this procedure, be sure not to pinch any wires between the chassis and the PLL PCB or the digital unit shield and chassis. Watch the shield to SMeter clearance during reass embly. SPECIFICATIONS Output.................................. More than 0 dBm at 50 ohms Oscillating frequency.............................................. 2 0 MHz Weight............................................. ............................ 25g Frequency stability....................................... t X 1 06 /year Note: (long term)Warranty registration is n ot required for the SO1. Retain Temperature stability............... ............................ X 1 07your sales slip or other proof o f purchase, should service ( 1O'C + 5 O'C)be required. Adjustable frequency Range................................................... more than @ 60 Hz Remove all parts from the space 0        7N indicated by the dotted line. xi RI R4 @6 c Digital unit shield 0 D7 %           o) r soi ng bracket 10 SO1 Installation 45 OTHER OPERATIONS 0 PHONE PATCH OPERATION Most phone patches will work satisfactorily without any modification to the radio. The PC 1 A Phone Patch can be used with the TS940S w ithout modification to the patch. Operation will be as described in the PCLA instruction sheet. Recommended settings are: PC1 (A) RX Gain 4 TX Gain 4 Null as necessary TS940S Vox Gain 1 AF Gain 4 Mic Gain 5 Anti Vox Max N OPERATION WITH A SECOND RECEIVER If you prefer operating another receiver in place of the TS940S rece iver section, you may share the antenna from the TS940S during recei vetime. Flip the rear panel RXANT switch to EXTERNAL, and connect the antenna input of your second receiver to the RX ANT terminal usin g 5092 coaxial cable. Reduce the AF Gain setting on the transceiver to zero. Mute the external receiver from Pin 4 and GROUND of the rem ote connector. If a linear amplifier is also used with the transceiv er, diode isolate the external receiver and linear to Pin 4, and be s ure combined current is less than the maximum rating for this termina l. N OPERATION WITH A SEPARATE RECEIVER ANTENNA Use the XVRTR port and an 8 Pin DIN Plug, Part E07085105 Pin 8HF Ant output from the TS940S Pin 5RX Ant input Pin 3GND Either wire your extra antenna to pin 5 and ground, and use the DIN p lug as the connect/disconnect, or wire pins 8 and 5 and the external antenna through a SPDT switch, as shown. 0 OPERATION AS A SECOND RECEIVER Use the REMOTE Connector. Connect Pin 3 (PTT line) ( and Pin 2, GROU ND) to your XMTR control output, to ground Pin 3 in TX. Feed the ant enna through the primary transmitter or transceiver antenna relay. 10. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 101. FREQUENCY CONFIGURATION The TS940 is quadruple conversion in SSB, CW, AM and FSK modes and t riple conversion in FM mode. As a transmitter, it is double conversi on in CW and FM modes and triple conversion in SSB, AM and FSK modes. Fig. 1 01 shows the frequency configuration of the signal paths as both a transmitter and a receiver. 102. LOCAL OSCILLATOR PLL CIRCUIT This is a digital VFO (Variable Frequency Oscillator) that covers a f requency range of 45.08 MHz  75.05 MHz in 1OHz steps. Three PLL loo ps are linked in analog mode. The dividing ratio data to each PLL is controlled by the microprocessor. Each loop is of a single crystal f requency control system: the VCO phase is compared with the unique re ference frequency STD  CAR1 and CAR2 frequencies are inserted halfwa y in the analog link, enabling variable bandwidth functions such as V BT and slope tuning. The PLL circuit is shown in Fig. 1 02. 103. RECEIVER The signal from the antenna is applied to the RF unit (X441 66000) ANT terminal. The signal passes through the transmitter/receiver sel ector circuit and out the EXT terminal. The output is connected to t he RF unit RXA terminal via the selector circuit provided on the rear panel. This signal is applied to the receiver BPF through the RF at tenuator (0, 10, 20, or 3OdB selectable) via relays RL1 and RL2. The BPF divides the received frequency range into nine bands, which are automatically selected by RX BPF control data (RBO  RB3) from the Di gital unit A (X54183000). The signal from the BPF is passed through the RF AGC circuit composed of PIN diodes D23 and D26. It is then amplified by RF amplifier Q10 and applied to the first receiver mixer Q9, where it is mixed with t he VCO signal to become the first IF signal at 45.05 MHz. This signa l is applied to grounded gate amplifiers Q7 and 8, and the output is applied from the RIF terminal to IF unit (X48143000). The unwanted signal components are removed from the 45.05 MHz first I F signal by 1 5 kHz MCF XF1. The signal is then applied to the secon d receiver mixers Q4 and Q5, mixed with the (36.22 MHz) HET signal an d converted to the (8.83 MHz) second IF signal. This signal is separ ated into two channels: one is supplied to the noise blanker on the C ontrol unit (X531 420XX), and the other is applied to the second IF filter via noise blanking gate D3  D6. This filter circuit is provided with crystal filter XF2: YK88Sl with a 2.7 kHz ba ndwidth for SSB (used also for wide CW/FSK and narrow AM), and wide b and LC filters L37, L38 for FM (used also for wide AM when the option al AM filter is not provided.) As an option, the filter circuit permi ts use of two filters: a YK88C1 with 50OHz bandwidth for CW and a Y K88A1 with 6kHz bandwidth for AM. These four filters are automatic ally selected by the W/Nmode information (WN, ND2 and MD1) from Di 47 gital unit A via the keyboard. The received signal, having passed through the second IF filter, is a pplied to the third receiver mixer Q7, 8 to be mixed with the CAR2 si gnal (9.285 MHz) and then converted to the third IF signal (455 kHz). The output is then separated into two channels. One is connected t o the Control unit FIN terminal, and goes through IF amplifier Q45 an d third IF filter CF1 . It is then applied to limiter amplifiers IC1 1 and IC1 2 for amplitude limiting, and the output applied to ceramic discriminators Ll 2 for FM detection. The detected output is suppl ied from the FMV terminal to the IF unit for the FM mode signal via t he deemphasis circuit and, at the same time, the noise component near 40 kHz is eliminated. The signal is then connected to the squelch c ircuit, noise amplifier Q46 and Q47, noise rectifier D80 and D81 and the comparator consisting of IC1 3 2/2. The above Control unit circu its function in all modes. Therefore, one noise squelch system is em ployed. The squelch control output mutes the IF unit aud This filter circuit uses a ceramic filter CF1 with a 2.7 kHz bandwidt h for SSB (used also for wide CW/FSK and narrow AM) and ceramic filte r CF2 with a 6 kHz bandwidth for AM wide. As an option, the filter c ircuit provides for use of either a CW 500 Hz crystal filter or 250 H z bandwidth filter. These three filter types are automatically selec ted by information from Digital unit A, like the second IF filters. The signal from the third IF filter is amplified by Ql and applied to the fourth receiver mixer to be mixed with the 355 kHz (CAR1  CAR3) signal and converted to the fourth IF signal. The output is applied to Ql 3 via the notch filter circuit. This amplifier output is dete cted by either the SSB/CW product detector or the AM detector. The d etected signal is applied to AF GAIN control via the squelch gate Q28 and preamplifier Q29. In CW mode, it is also possible to apply the signal through the AF TUNE circuit, IC1 and IC2. The output of Q3 is also applied to the AGC circuit. The received AF signal 104. TRANSMITTER The audio signal from the microphone is applied to the IF unit MIC te rminal and is preamplified by Q36. The output is applied to the MIC GAIN control (on the front panel), the FM MIC GAIN control (on the to p panel) or VOX circuit in the SSB and AM modes. The SSB signal chan nel is returned to the IF unit, amplified by IC3 and applied to balan ced modulator D73. A diode switch is provided at the input of IC3, w hich selects the audio signal in the SSB and AM mode, and the AFSK si gnal (2.2936 kHz/2.1 277 kHz) from the PLL unit in the FSK mode. Bal anced modulator D73 is constructed as a package containing four match ed Schottky diodes, which provides stable modulation characteristic a gainst varying operating conditions such as temperature fluctuation. The 455 kHz DSB (Double Side Band) signal from D73 is converted to S SB by filter CF1 (or CF2 in the AM mode), which is shared by the thir d receiver IF filter after passing through the buffer amplifier Q37. The filter output runs through buffer amplifier Q39 and i In the AM mode, even if the processor switch is off, the signal runs through D78 and D79 but does not pass through the processor. The pro cessor output signal is applied to the first transmitter mixer via di ode switch D83. Here, the audio signal is mixed with the CAR2 signal (9.285 MHz) and converted to 8.83 MHz. The 8.83 MHz signal runs thr ough SSB filter XF2 (a wide band filter L37, L38 or optional YK88A1 in AM mode) shared by the second receiver IF filter, where any splat ter which may be generated in the speech processor is eliminated. The signal is then applied to the transmitter IF amplifier Q48. In C W and FM modes or during auto antenna tuning, the CARO signal is appl ied to Q48 via buffer amplifier Q46. In these modes, since the trans mitter signal does not pass through the narrow band filter, full CW b reakin operation is enabled. The transmitter signal is then applied to the second transmitter mixe r Q50 and Q51, where it is mixed with the HET signal (36.22 MHz), yie lding a TIF signal at 45.05 MHz, whose output is connected to the RF unit. In the RF unit, the signal is mixed with the VCO signal in the third transmitter mixer Ql and Q2, providing the final transmitter f requency. Any undesirable components in this signal are then eliminat ed in the transmitter BPF (1.8  30 MHz). The signal is amplified by wideband amplifier Q3, Q4 and Q5 and supplied from the DRV terminal to the Final unit as the drivelevel output. This drive output is au tomatically disconnected from the Final unit input if a plug is inser ted into the transverter connector. The signal applied to the Final unit is amplified by wideband drivers Q2, Q3 and finals Q4, Q5. The output of the Final unit passes through the Filter unit where the unwanted higher harmonic component elements are eliminated. The Fil ter unit divides the transmitter frequency range into bands. Each LP F is automatically selected by TX LPF information (LPOLP2) supplied 66rom Digital unit A. After passing through the Filter unit, the transmitter output runs th rough the AT (optional) unit, the transmitter/ receiver selector circ uit and then is connected to the ANT terminal on the rear panel. 105. AUTO ANTENNA TUNER The auto antenna tuner consists of the tuner section and the control section. The tuner section consists of coils and variable capacitors which form the matching circuit. The variable capacitors are driven by high speed motors. The control section decodes the matching condition of the transmitter output stage and drives and controls the motors to make a good match between the transmitter and the antenna. This auto antenna tuner works within the amateur bands (1.8 MHz  29.7 MHz). 11. MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT GENERAL Your transceiver has been factory aligned and tested to specification before shipment. Under normal circumstances the transceiver will op erate in accordance with these operating instructions. All adjustabl e trimmers and coils in your transceiver were preset at the factory a nd should only be readjusted by a qualified technician with proper te st equipment. Attempting service or alignment without factory authori zation can void the transceivers warranty. When operated properly, the transceiver should give years of service without requiring realignment. The information in this section gives some general service procedures which can be accomplished without so phisticated test equipment. CLEANING The knobs, front panel and cabinet of the transceiver are likely to b ecome soiled after extended use. The knobs should be removed from th e transceiver and cleaned with a neutral soap and warm water. Use a neutral soap (not harsh chemicals) and damp cloth to clean the cabine t and front panel. 111. PREPARATION 1. Removing the covers Remove the eight screws which fasten the top and eight screws from th e bottom case panel. The covers may be lifted away. 2. Service position Place the transceiver on its left side, with the final stage up, for proper ventilation. 112. ADJUSTMENTS 1. RV voltage adjustment (Control unit) Adjust the voltage to 2.1 V with VR1. 2. Supply voltage adjustment (Power Supply unit) Adjust the voltage to 28.5V with VR1. 3. Digital display calibration Connect the antenna, place the MODE switch to CW, and ZeroBeat to WW V at either 5, 1 0 or 1 5 MHz. Next, turn the 1 00 kHz calibrator ON and the marker signal will be superimposed on the WWV signal. If th e calibrator is also at ZeroBeat, adjustment is not necessary. If the calibrator is not ZeroBeat with WWV, adjust the Standard osci llator trimmer through the reference frequency adjustment access open ing (on the side of the TS940S) so the two signals are again ZeroBe at. Repeat this procedure 2 or 3 times. This completes calibration of the Digital Display. After calibration turn off the CAL switch. N ote: WWV is not a reliable signal in Europe. 4. Subdisplay contrast adjustment If necessary, adjust the SUB DISP. CONTRAST control on the top panel at the normal viewing position in order to retain LCD contrast. TC1 Trimmer 0 Access (STD. OS Digital display calibration 5. Carrier balance adjustment (IF unit) With a 5OS2 dummy load connected to the ANT terminal, adjust for maxi mum output at 14.175 MHz. Reduce mic gain to zero. Set the transcei ver in LSB mode. The power meter or an oscilloscope will deflect if the carrier is unbalanced. To balance the carrier, alternately adjus t trimmer TC1 and trimpot VR6 until the meter indicates minimum. Swi tch to USB mode and if the pointer deflects, readjust so the pointer deflects equally for both LSB and USB. 6. Side tone level adjustment (Control unit) Adjust VR1 5 for your preference. 7. "Buzzer" level adjustment (Control unit) Adjust VR1 4 for your preference. 8. Monitor level adjustment (Control unit) Adjust VR1 3 for your preference. 9. S meter adjustment (IF unit) Disconnect the antenna with the transceiver in receive mode. Zeropo int adjustment: Adjust VR3 for meter pointer zero indication. If a standard signal generator (SSG) is available, adjust VR4 so the Sme ter indicates "S9", at 1 4.1 75 MHz for a 40 dB (50,uV) signal. 1 0. NOTCH adjustment (IF unit) Turn the CAL (marker) switch on and tune for 800 Hz in the CW mode. P lace the MODE switch to CW and turn the NOTCH switch on. Adjust the N OTCH control to the 1 2 o'clock position and fine tune NOTCH for the notch point. Adjust VR2 and L1 6 for minimum audio output. Repeat the NOTCH control and L16 adjustments several times for best null. 113. MAINTENANCE 1. Semiconductors, resistors, and capacitors Semiconductors are easily destroyed if a circuit is shorted. Troubles hoot carefully. If a defective resistor or capacitor is to be replaced, use one of th e same specifications. 2. Fuse When the fuse blows, there is some cause. Be sure to find the cause before attempting operation. Use a 6 A fuse for 1 20VAC, or a 4 A fu se for 220V AC  240 VAC operation. Under no circumstances use a hig her amperage fuse than specified. This can cause extensive damage. The warranty will be void if an oversized fuse is used. 3. Fan motor lubrication Every 6 months apply a drop of light machine oil at the point where t he shaft meets the motor housing. 4. Meter lamp Replacement 1 .Remove power cable. 2. Remove 8 screws and top cover. 3. Slide the two METER meter lamps (with grommets) from their keyed slots on the rear of the METER shield. 4. Desolder the leads from the circuit board adjacent to the power switch. 5. Replace the lamps in reverse order of disassembly. Meter lamp part number is B30081 71 5. These are rated 1 4V, 8 0 mA. 5. Backup Battery The TS940S has two backup batteries. One for memory backup (5 yea rs); the other for the timer (3 years). 6. AC voltage selection The TS940S will operate on 120, 220 or 240V AC 50 or 60 Hz. For pro per operation, select the power setting closest to your local line vo ltage. If you are not sure of the local line voltage, contact the utility co mpany. To reset the voltage selector, FIRST DISCONNECT THE POWER CAB LE. Use a screwdriver align the selector to the correct voltage. 7. Ordering spare parts When ordering replacement or spare parts for your equipment, be sure to specify the following information: Model and serial number of the equipment. Schematic number of the part. Printed circuit board numb er on which the part is located. Part number and name, if known, and quantity desired. S. Service Should it ever become necessary to return the equipment for repair, p ack in its original boxes and packing, and include a full description of the problems involved. Also include your telephone number. You need not return accessory items unless directly related to the servic e problem. You must return your radio for service to the Authorized TRIO Dealer 66rom whom you purchased it. A copy of the service report will be r eturned with the unit. Please do not send subassemblies or printed circuit boards. Send the complete unit, in its original boxes and pa cking. Service note: Dear OM, if you desire to correspond on a technical or operational pr oblem, please make your note short, complete, and to the point. And PLEASE make it readable. Please list: Model and serial number. The question or problem you are having. Please give sufficient detail to diagnose: other equipment in the sta tion, meter readings and anything you fee might be useful in attempti ng diagnosis. Note: 1. Record the date of purchase, serial number and dealer from whom purchased. 2. For your own information, retain a written record of any mainten ance performed on the unit. 3. When claiming warranty service, you must include a photocopy of the bill of sale, or other proof of purchase showing the date of sale. 11 4. HOW TO INITIALIZE MICROPROCESSOR 1 . If the microprocessor malfunctions or if you want to reset the t ransceiver, switch on the power with the A B switch pressed. 2. If the subdisplay fails to perform property, press the reset sw itch (see the figure) at the rear of the subdisplay to reset th e subdisplay. After this, always switch off the transceiver source power and then switch on again. NOTE: If the POWER switch is operated too frequently, the subdisplay may fail to indicate properly. In this case, switch off the so urce power and then switch on again. 12. IN CASE OF DIFFICULTY ... TRANSMITTER SECTION SYMPTOM CAUSE No output in SSB (No Ic.) 1 . Open microphone cable or bad microph one. 2. Low microphone gain. 3. PROC switch is to ON with PROC IN/ OUT control fully counterclockwise. VOX does not operate. 1 . VOX GAIN control too low. 2. ANTI VOX control requires adjust ment. VOX trips by speaker output. ANTI VOX control requires adjustment . Mic or radio chassis is "hot" Excess RF in the shack. No earth gro und, during TX. poor ground, or antenna is too close to the radio. Poor audio in SSB, TXfeedback. Excess RF in the shack. RECEIVER SECTION SYMPTOM no receiver noise when the POWER switch is turned on. signals are heard. meter deflects without a received signal. SSB signal unintelligible. RIT control inoperative. ly high cut or l ow cut. REMEDY 1. Check the microphone. 2. Increase the mic Gain. 3. Increase the PROC IN/OUT settings. 1. See section 51 1 VOX operation. 2. See section 51 1 VOX operation. See section 51 1 VOX operation. See section 16. See section 51 3. CAUSEREMEDY Lights do not light and there is 1. Bad power cable or connections.1 . Check cables and connections. 2. Blown power supply fuse.2. Check for the cause of the blown fuse and replace the fuse. An antenna is connected but no Microphone PTT switch (or standbyR elease the PTT switch. switch) is i n the transmit position. An antenna is connected but S 1. RF GAIN control fully anticlock use.1. Open RF GAIN control. 2. Low AC line voltage.2. Use a stepup transformer to raise the line voltage. MODE switch is set to wrong sideban d.Turn MODE switch to the correct side band. RIT switch is off.Push RIT button. SSB received signal is extreme Slope tuning is out of adjustment.S et to the NORMAL position. TIMER SECTION SYMPTOM CAUSE REMEDY Transceiver not turned on. TIMER switch on with repeat timer set. S et the TIMER switch to off. 53 13. INTERNAL VIEWS (Upper) DIGITAL unit (Lower) PLL unit *AT940 unit There are two versions for the TS940S. Version with the AT940 Version without the AT940 it Jill Power transformer Power supply unit Final unit Filter unit RF unit IF unit CONTROLunit Monitor level ADJ. VR1 3 8.83 MHz optional CW filter mount Buzzer level ADJ. VR 1 4 8. 83 MHz optional AM filter mount455 kHz optional CW filter mountSide tone level ADJ. VR1 5 Carrier balance ADJ. NOTCH Adjustment VR2 VR6, TC1 and L16 54 ANT RF UNIT IF U@IT @AT@ 3.5 CO) FINAL UNIT F 1. A.1 A.1 DIG ITAL UNIT CAR UNII ALC REF.IC TIMING P ROTECTION T::: CONTROL AVR r 2,7 AVR L J 7o @ I.r 5 VAV R AV R F_ CONTROL UNIT cn (n CY) c TH RU vct VC2 THRU z m > CURRENT/VOLTAGF7 OUT PU ANT m IN PUT AUTO TRANSFORMER WAVE FORM SHAPING R OP PHASE Fcw C.T. COMP. 5V sv R L AP DRIVE Hor L IVOLTAGEI DECO DE BAND DATA  (PLL  CAR UNIT) lu u cl, LV 5 7 15. SPECIFICATIONS [GENERAL] Transmitter Frequency Range:............................ 160 m B and 1.8  2.0 MHz 80 m Band 3.5  4.0 MHz 40 m Band 7.0  7.3 MH z 30 m Band 10. 1  10. 1 5 MHz 20 m Band 14.0  14.35 MHz 17 m Band 18.068  18.168 MHz 15 m Band 21.0  21.45 MHz 12 m Band 24.89  24.99 MHz 1 0 m Band 28.0  29.7 MHz Receiver Frequency Range:.. ................................ 150 kHz  30 MHz Mode:......... ............................................................. A3J (US B, LSB), Al (CW), Fl (FSK), A3 (AM), F3 (FM) Frequency Stability............................................. ..  1 0 X 1 06 (_ 1 0,C  +50'C) Frequency Accura cy............................................. + 1 O X 106 (Room temperature) Antenna Impedance..................... ......................... 50ohms With AT940 Ant enna Tuner............................... 20  1 50 ohms (Transmission only) Power Requirement:................ ............................. 120/220/240 VAC, 50/60 Hz Power Dissipation:........................................... ..... Max. 51 0 W during transmission, 80 W during recep tion Dimensions...................................................... ...... W 401 x H 141 x D 350 mm (Projections Inc.) W 409 x H 154 x D 420 mm W 160.4 x H 56 .4 x D 140 inch (Projections Inc.) W 1 63.6 x H 61.6 x D 1 68 inch Weight.................................................. .................. With antenna tuner: Approx. 20 kg (44.0 lbs) Without antenna tuner: Approx. 1 8.5 kg (41.0 lbs) [TRANSMITTER] Rated Final Power Input.................................... ... 25OW PEP (1 60  1 0 m bands in SSB, CW, FSK, FM) 14OW (in AM) Modulation................................................. ............ SSB: Balanced modulation FM: Reactance modulat ion AM: Low level modulation Maximum Frequency Deviation............. .............. @ 5 kHz RTTY Shift................................................. ............ 1 70 Hz Harmonic Content............ ..................................... 40 dB or less ( in CW) Carrier Suppression................................. ............. 40 dB or more (with 1.5 kHz mo dulation) Unwanted Sideband Suppression....................... Better than 50 dB (with 1.5 kHz modula tion) 3rd order intermodulation.................................. ... 37 dB or less (based on Single tone output) Microphone Impedance....................................... . 5000  5OkS2 Frequency Response...... ....................................... 400  2600 H z at 6 dB in SSB [RECEIVER] Circuitry.................................................. ................ Quadruple conversion for SSB, CW, AM, FSK Triple conversion for FM Intermediate Frequencies.................................... 1 st IF: 45.05 MHz 2nd IF: 8.83 MHz 3rd IF: 455 kHz 4th IF: lOO kHz 58 Sensitivity 1 50 kHz  500 kHz........................................... 1 0 dB S/N 0 dBp (luV) or less in SSB, CW and FSK 1 0 dB S/N 20 dBu (1 OuV) or l ess in AM 500 kHz  1.8 MHz..................................... ...... 1 0 dB S/N 1 2 dBp (4,uV) or less in SSB, CW and FSK 1 0 dB S/N 30 dBp ( 32,uV) or less in F M 1.8 MHz  30 MHz........................................ 1 0 d B S/N 1 4 dBp (0.2,uV) or less in SSB, CW and FSK 1 0 dB S/N 6 dBp (2pV) or less in AM 1 2 dB SINAD 6 dBu (0.5,u) or less in FM Squelc h Sensitivity............................................... 1 0 dBu (0.32,uV) or less Image Ratio....................................... ..................... 80 dB or more in 1.8  30 MHz IF Rejection..... ........................ 70 dB or more in 1.8  30 MHz Selectivity: N: DenotesthefiltersettingisNARROW. W: Denotes the filter setting is WIDE. (SSB, CW, AM(N), FSK)................. 2.4 kHz/6 dB 3.6 kHz/60 dB (AM (W)) .............................. 6 kHz/6 dB 1 5 kHz/50 dB (F M)................................................................ ..... 1 2 kHz/6 dB 22 kHz/60 dB Variable Range With SSB Filter (SSB Slope Tune)...................... ......................... Highcut: 15OOHzormore Lowcut: 700 Hz or m ore Without SSB fil ter (CW VBT)........................................... 600 Hz  2.4 kHz continuously variable RIT/XIT Variable range.. ...............................  9.99 kHz Notc h Filter Antenuation................... I....... 40 dB or more Audio Output......................................................... 1.5 W (at 8 ohm load/l 0% distortion) Audio Load Impedance..... .................................... 8 ohms Note: Circuits and ratings subject to change without notice due to de velopments in technology. 59 Model TS940S Serial No. Date of Purchase Dealer KENWOOD CORPORATION Sh onogi Shibuya Bu id ng, 17 5, 2chome Shibuya, Sh buyaku, Tokyo 1 50 Japan KENWOOD U.S.A. CORPORATION 2201 E. Dominguez Street, Long Beach, California 90810 U.S.A. KENWOOD ELECTRONICS DEUTSCHLAND GM@ RembrOcker Str 15, 6056 Heusenstamm, West Germany KENWOOD ELECTRONICS BENELUX N.V. Mechelsesteenweg 418 B1930 Zaventem, Belgium KENWOOD ELECTRONICS AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD. (INCORPORATED IN N SW) 4E. Woodcock Place, Lane Cove, N.S.W. 2066 Australia 85902 PRINTED IN JAPAN B50800130 (G) Boundary (ID lL3iIJZyRS/+3o0NN9u3/Q) From  Mon Dec 01 08:20:10 1997 Received: from gcsin1.gecm.com (gcsin1.gecm.com []) by gold.interlog.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id DAA19684 for ; Mon, 1 Dec 1997 03:34:50 0500 (EST) Received: from gcsin3.geccs.gecm.com by gcsin1.gecm.com; (5.65/ id AA10415; Mon, 1 Dec 1997 08:34:19 GMT Received: from gcschm.geccs.gecm.com by gcsin3.geccs.gecm.com; (5.65/ id AA25517; Mon, 1 Dec 1997 08:34:16 GMT DiscloseRecipients: prohibited Date: Mon, 01 Dec 1997 08:31:41 +0000 (GMT) From: Terry Robinson GNet 701 3908 Subject: TS940S Instructions. To: George Fanjoy VE3PEB MessageId: <0941310801121997/A00717/PLANET/11BC0A1F2500*@MHS> Autoforwarded: false MimeVersion: 1.0 ContentType: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSETISO88591 Importance: normal Priority: normal UaContentId: 11BC0A1F2500 X400MtsIdentifier: [;0941310801121997/A00717/PLANET] HopCount: 2 ContentTransferEncoding: 8bit XMIMEAutoconverted: from QUOTEDPRINTABLE to 8bit by gold.interlog.com id DAA19684 XUIDL: 87348dab948d473b303b93856a1c8f1c XMozillaStatus: 0001 ContentLength: 106364 I don't know what made such a pig's ear of the last effort, but I'm inserting them as text files now, so there should be no problem. TS940S CONTROL LAYOUT Top Panel: slide lid to expose. back row: CW CAR LEVEL, FM MIC GAIN, SUBDISP CONTRAST, MEMORY BANK SELECT. FRONT ROW: slider pots: VOX GAIN, VOX DELAY, VOX ANTI; vertical row switches  starting from back: CAL, 10 HZ IND, ANALOG SCALE. Front panel Top left: power switch, timer switch. below: vox (inon), breakin fullsemi (infull), monitor (inon), dimmer (dimout). below subsidiary display: clock, graph, scroll, set. notch (inner) SQL (outer), picth (inner) af tune (outer). under rotary controls: rit, xit, clear, notch and af tune (inenable). below, middle left: rec/send (insend), auto/through (inauto), nar/wide (innar). below these are phone and mic sockets. to right of nar/wide: attenuator, agc, meter select. below these: nb, 010, processor (inner is in) (outer out), mic (inner) power (outer). between these six: nb1, nb2, proc (inon). to right of these, vertical column of six buttons, mode switches. LSB, USB, CW, AM, FM, FSK. Main tuning control. to right, column of function switches, from top: TF SET, A/B, SPLIT, AB, F LOCK, VOICE. To right of functions, top of subpanel. two rows of four memory functions. top: MEMORY SCAN, PROGRAM SCAN, HOLD, MCE. lower row; VFO/M, M  VFO, M IN, ENTER. under memory functions. band keys, two rows of five. 1.5 3.5 7 10 14. 18 21 24.5 28 29. Under band keys. down 1mhz, up 1 mhz, at.t. to right of band keys. top left RIT/XIT, top right, AF/RF GAIN, RF IS OUTER. BOTTOM LEFT, CW VBT. BOTTOM RIGHT, SSB SLOPE TUNE. inner is high, outer is low. REAR PANEL right to left: ANTENNA; GROUND SCREW; RX ANT SELECTOR, (above RX ANT phono); TRANSVERTER CONNECTOR; REMOTE CONNECTOR (for linear amp); IF OUTPUTS, (two phonos); PHONE PATCH, (two phonos  audio i/o from RTTY etc terminal); RTTY INTERFACE, (for direct keying); EXT SPEAKER, (3.5 mm jack); KEY, ( 1/4 IN JACK); ACCESSORY 1; ACCESSORY 2; FUSE; AC POWER; VOLTAGE SELECTOR. pin outs TRANSVERTER SOCKET: KEY WAY AT ABOUT 7 O'CLOCK going clockwise. pin 7 RF OUT, pin 1 SCREEN FOR RF OUT, pin 4 XVTR ON/OFF, PIN 2 +12V ON TRANSMIT, PIN 5 XVTR RECEIVE SIGNAL, PIN 3 RX RECEIVER COAX EARTH, PIN 8 HF RECEIVING SIGNAL, ALSO EARTHED AT PIN 3. PIN 6 (CENTRE) EXT ALC INPUT. SCREEN FOR CONNECTOR SHELL IN KEYWAY. TERMINALS 5 . 8 ARE SHORTED TO PERMIT HF RECEPTION. INSERTING THE DIN PLUG WILL AUTOMATICALLY OPEN THE CLOSED CIRCUIT BETWEEN PINS 5 AND 8. REMOTE SOCKET: KEY BETWEEN 1 AND 2 O'CLOCK, GOINT CLOCKWISE. PIN 6 ALC INPUT, PIN 1 SPEAKER OUTPUT, PIN 4 LINEAR CONTROL CONNECTING THE DIN POUG TO THE REMOTE JACK WILL ACTIVATE THE LINEAR CONTROL RELAY. PIN 2 TIMER SWITCH, RETURN TO PIN 5 DC 30 V 2 A MAX. PIN 3 AND 7 FROM STANDBY SWITCH (PTT CCT FOR FOOT SWITCH. ACCESSORY 1 JACK: SIX PIN. FOR OPTIONAL INTERFACE UNIT. ACCESSORY 2: 13 PINS: KEYWAY AT HALF PAST SEVEN: PINS IN ROWS STARTING FIRST ROW UP FROM KEYWAY: PIN 1 ACCESSORY SW, 2 ACCESSORY SW, 3 DATA OUTPUT OUTPUT LEVEL IS FIXED REGARDLESS OF AF CONTROL SETTING OUTPUT VOLTAGE IS 300 MV OR MORE AT MAX RECEIVING INPUT WITH 4.7 KOHM LOAD, 4 GROUND AUDIO OUTPUT. SECOND ROW UP FROM KEYWAY: 5 NC, 6 NC, 7 NC, 8 GROUND 3RD ROW UP: 9 MIC MUTE SIGNAL INPUT FROM MIC JACK IS MUTED GROUNDING MUTES SIGNAL. 10 NC, 11 DATA INPUT IMPUT TERMINAL FOR DATA COMMUNICATION IN SSB MIC GAIN CAN BE CONTROLLED BY THE MIC CONTROL INPUT VOLTAGE 500 MV OR LESS (SSB VOLATGE STARTS DEFLECTING ALC) FM VOLTAGE PROVIDING +3 KHZ FEVIATION. 12 GROUND AUDIO INPUT. 13 RIGHT AT TOP STANDBY. (PTT LINE). MIC ON FRONT. KEYWAY AT SIX O'C. 8 PIN CONNECTOR, CLOCKWISE FROM KEYWAY. PIN 7 GROUND, 6 NC, 5 8 V APPROX 10 MA OUT, 4 UP, 3 DOWN, 2 STANDBY, 1 MIC, 8 IN MIDDLE GROUND (STANDBY). INSTRUCTION MANUAL HF TRANSCEIVER Model TS940S  NOTES. 1. If the timer switch is set to ON, the unit sometimes does not function even when the POWER switch is set to ON. 2. When the squelch is not in use, turn the SQL control fully counterclockwise. If the control is turned fully clockwise, the reception sound sometimes cannot be heard. 1. PREPARATION BEFORE USE 1 1. INSTALLATION PRECAUTIONS Choose an operating location that is dry and cool, and avoid operating the transceiver in direct sunlight. Allow at least 3 inches clearance between the back of the equipment to any object. This space allows an adequate airflow from the ventilating fans to keep the transceiver cool. 12. COOLING FAN OPERATION The cooling fan operates automatically when the heat sink temperature rises, and stops when the temperature falls. The heat sink is diecast aluminum integral with the rear panel for sufficient heat dissipation. Therefore, the cooling fan will rarely operate during ordinary operation. If the cooling fan operates, insure adequate ventilation to insure good heat dissipation. 13. FRONT FEET By extending the front feet, the front panel can be elevated for operating convenience. Turn the front feet left and pull down. Then turn right to lock. 14. AC POWER The TS940S is supplied to operate from a 1 20V AC, 220V AC or 240V AC 50/60 Hz power source capable of supplying 51 0 watts or more. For units shipped to the U.S.A., the switch is set for 1 20 VAC with a 6ampere fuse installed. For units shipped to European, Central, South American, and African countries, the switch is set for 220 VAC with a 4ampere fuse installed. For units shipped to Oceania countries, and U.K. the switch is set for 240 VAC with a 4ampere fuse installed. 2. CONTROLS, INDICATORS AND CONNECTORS TOP COVER CAR LEVEL (carrier level) control Used to adjust carrier level during CW. Slide lid opened (27@, FM MIC GAIN (microphone gain) control Used to adjust microphone amplifier gain in FM. CAR FM MIC LEVEL GAIN (3D Memory group selector switch Allows selection of the desired memory channel SUBDISP ME CONTRAS group. 14 SUB DISP. CONTRAST control Allows you to adjust the contrast of the sub display, using a () screwdriver. 5 CAL (marker) switch CAL ]ON OFF[ When this switch is ON during reception, the builtin oscillator will generate a marker signal at 100 KHz intervals. This switch is also used to zero beat the SCALE internal oscillator frequency with a standard frequency (WWV). 6 10 Hz indication switch Allows frequency indication down to the nearest 10 Hz digit. 7 Analog SCALE selection switch Used to select the analog scale range, 1 MHz or 1 00 kHz. VOX CONTROLS  GAIN DELAY ANTI 8) VOX control GAIN: Used to adjust VOX amplifier gain. Vox DELAY: Used to adjust delay time. VOX ANTI: Used so that VOX will not be actuated by the internal speaker sound. 15. ANTENNA Any of the common antenna systems designed for use on the high frequency amateur bands may be used with the TS940S, provided the input impedance of the transmission line is not outside the capability of the AT940 Automatic Antenna Tuner pioutput matching network. The transmission line should be coaxial cable. An antenna system which shows a standing wave ratio of less than 1.5 : 1 when using 50 ohm coaxial transmission line, or a system that results in a transmission line input impedance that is essentially resistive, and between 20 and 1 50 ohms will take power from the transceiver through the AT940. If open wire or balanced type transmission line is used with the antenna, a suitable antenna tuner with balun is recommended between the transceiver and the feed line. Methods of construction and operating such tuners are described in detail in the ARRL Antenna Handbook, or similar publications. For operation on the 1 60, 75 and 40 meter bands, a simple dipole antenna, cut to resonance in the most used portion of the band, will perform saticfactorily. For operation on the 10, 1 5 and 20 meter bands, the efficiency of the station will be greatly increased if a good directional rotary antenna is used. Remember that even the most sophisticated transceiver is useless without a good antenna. CAUTION: Protect your Equipment  Use a LIGHTNING ARRESTOR. 16. GROUNDING Making a good earth connection is important for preventing dangers such as electric shock and for emitting a high quality signal with minimum spurious radiation. Bury a commercially available ground rod or copper plate under the ground and connect it to the GND terminal of the TS940S. A thick wire, cut as short as possible, should be used for the connection. A city water pipe cannot be used as a good earth in some cases. To make a good earth connection, connect the GND terminal to a metal water pipe grounded. Never use a gas pipe or electrical conduit pipe. NOTE: A ground connection that is a 1/4 wavelength or its multiple may provide a good DC ground, but it will not provide a good RF ground. The TS940S receiver covers from 1 50 kHz to 30 MHz, to receive international broadcast and communication services. FRONT PANEL POWER switch TIMER switch * page 38 VOX switch * page 24 CW breakin selector switch * page 23 MONI (monitor) switch * pages 8,10,14,16 DIM (Dimmer) switch * page 19 ATT switch page 24; AGC switch page 25; Meter* page 20. Main display: F. LOCK indicator * page 19; ON AIR indicator* page 19; VFO A indicator* page 19; ANT TUNE indicator* page 19; VFO B indicator page 19; MEMO (Memory) channel indicator* page 19; SPLIT indicator* page 19; RIT indicator page 19; XIT indicator* page 19; NOTCH indicator* page 19. CLOCK switch * page 35; GRAPH switch @ pages 35,36; MS (Memory scan) switch * page 33 Subdisplay * page 35 PG. S (Program scan) switch * page 33 (2)8 HOLD switch * page 33 i9,) SCROLL switch * pages 34,35 (34 SET switch * page 35 C3 i@'M. CE switch * page 34 It RIT switch * page 26 (33) RIT/XIT control * page 26 304 NOTCH control * page 22 305 XIT switch * page 26 (3'6 ) SOL control * pages 9,13,15,17 (3t) CLEAR switch * page 26 C38) RF (gain) control * page 25 C3 9) PITCH control * page 26 NOTCH switch * page 22 AF TUNE control * page 26 AF TUNE switch * page 26 REC/SEND standby switch * pages 9,11,15,17 404 MIC (Microphone) connector * pages 7, 29 4C$ PHONES jack * pages 7, 29 C40AUTOTHRUselectorswitch pagel8 C4t NAR/WIDE switch * pages 10, 12 408 NB 1 switch * page 22 C4@ NB control * page 22 ,50) NB 2 switch * page 22 ti) PROC switch * page 24 53 PROCESSORIN control * page 24 PROCESSOROUT control c> page 24 MIC (microphone gain) control * pages 9,15 505 PWR (RF power) control * pages 8,10,14,16 ,56) MODE switch pages 8  17 @t Main tuning control* pages 8  1 7 (58) TF SET switch * page 20 (59) A/B switch * page 19 16@ VOICE switch * page 19 6L@ F. LOCK switch * page 19 4 A B switch,* page 19 @(3) SPLIT switch * page 19 t4) VFO/M switch * page 31 lt5 ) 1 MHz step switch * pages 8  17 $6@@ M @ VFO switch * page 33 @t) M. IN switch * page 31 8) BAND KEY (1  1 0) switch * pages 8  17 @6@ AT. T switch * page 18 (fO) ENT (Enter) switch * page 34 701 VBT control * page 21 AF (audio gain) control * page 26 (A SSB SLOPE TUNE HIGH CUT control 7C4@ SSB SLOPE TUNE LOW CUT control REAR PANNEL Antenna connector Connect an antenna with an impedance of 50 S2, with an SWR of 1.5 or less. (1) GND (ground) terminal Used to make TS940S ground. Connect using as thick and short a wire as possible. (1) RX ANT terminal selector switch Used to disconnect the TS940S receiver. Supplies an antenna connection to an external receiver. Transverter connector For details, see page 29. (5) Remote connector This connector is used when a linear amplifier is used. (1) IF OUT jack IF 1 is for connection to the SM220 for Pan Display. (8.83 MHz) IF 2 is for connection to the SM220 for RX Modulation Display. (1 00 kHz) (1) PHONE PATCH jacks The IN terminal is used for transmit audio from the phone patch (600 S2). The OUT terminal is used for received audio from the transceiver to the phone patch (600 S2 ). These jacks can also be used for input to and from SSTV, or RTTY terminals. (j) RTTY jack For connection to an RTTY interface unit. (direct keying) (1) EXT SP (external speaker) This terminal is for an external speaker. (W CW KEY jack Used to connect the key during use of CW. Accessory terminals (M Fuse Holder (D AC power connector Connect the supplied power cord. (S VOLTAGE SELECTOR switch Used to select the correct line voltage. 3. OPERATION 31. HEADPHONES AND MICROPHONES Headphones: The TrioKenwood headphones HS4, HS5, HS6 and HS7 can be used with this transceiver. When using other headphones, use 4 to 1 6 ohms impedance. Stereo headphones can also be used. Microphones: The TrioKenwood microphones MC42S (handheld), MC60A, MC80, MC85 (tabletop type) are recommended. Either a low or high impedance microphone (500 Q  50. microphone with a separate switch and MIC line so both PTT may be used and VOX may be selected. The PTT switch must be isolated from the microphone audio circuit. 32. INITIAL SETTING CONFIRMATION Note: Prior Ensure the VOLTAGE SELECTOR switch is set for your AC line voltage. Ensure the following switches and controls are set as indicated in the figure below: [1] Ensure the POWER switch is OFF. A ground must be connected. 2@ An antenna must be connected. [41 The power cord is connected. Caution: F57 Ensure the front panel controls and switches are set Never transmit without the antenna connected. as shown in the figures below. II)i The RX ANT switch is OFF. FAST OFF OFF FRONT PANEL (PITCH) OP 1 2 o'clock OFF co Turn fully counterclockwise. (AF Gain) Zero@ OFF Turn fully clockwise. (RF Gain) REAR PANEL ( D 7 33 SSB OPERATION  ATT (R F attenuator) switch Inserts 10, 20 or 30 dB of attenuation into the receiver antenna circuit, to protect the RF amplifier and mixer circuits from distortion caused by excessive inPut signal levels. NB (noise blanker) switch/ control @ (page 22) NB1: Used to reduce/eliminate short duration pulse noise such as an auto ignition., NB2: Use to reduce/eliminate long duration pulse noise such as the "Russian Woodpecker".  AGC switch @(page 25) MON I (monitor) switch (1) OFF Used to disable the AGC. (Turns Allows monitoring of your trans OFF the SMeter function) signal. FAST  Normally used for CW and FSK. SLOWNormally used for SSB, AM and FM. VOX switch (1) (page [31 Used to operate VOX. AUTO/THRU selector switch (page 18) AUTO: Antenna tuner is on. o@ THRU: Antenna tuner is off. MIC (microphone) connec Connector for microphone. PROC (processor) switch/ control (1) (page 24) Used to actuate the speech processor circuit. RECEIVE 17 Turn on the power. F4] 2@ The meter lamp lights and a frequency is shown on the display. 57  [6] [3] For operation up to the 7 MHz band, place the MODE switch to LSB. For operation on or above the 1 0 MHz band, use the USB mode. Note: T denotes transmit operation. R denotes receive operation. r PWR (RF power) control (1) Controls the transmit power in SSB, CW and FM modes. Clockwise rotation increases power output. Select the desired band by operating the BAND/ KEY switch or with the 1 MHz step switch. Adjust audio volume with the AF (audio gain) control. Adjust the main tuning control so that the desired signal may be clearly heard. NOTCH control @ (page 22) SQL (squelch) controlVOX control (D (page 24) Used to attenuate interference caused Used to adjust squelch sensitivity.GAIN: Used to adjust VOX amplifier by heterodyne type signals. This con Turning the control clockwise deepensgain. trol is not effective in reducing interfer the squelch.DELAY: Used to adjust delay time. ence caused by SSB, FM, or AM type ANTI: Used so that VOX is not ac signals. tuated by the speaker. RF (RF gain) control (E) Used to control the gain of the high frequency amplifiers. For normal operations this should be turned fully clockwise, for the greatest receiver sensitivity. AF (audio gain) control Used to select the desired amount of audio volume. Clockwise rotation increases the volume. AT.T switch Used to set the antenna tuner in ge mode. MIC (microphone gain) control Used for adjustment of microphone gain. Turning the control clockwise increases the gain. SSB SLOPE TUNE control (page 21) Used to control the upper and lower limits of the IF Bandwidth. TRANSMISSION Connect themicrophone. Turn on the power. The meter lamp lights and a frequency is shown on the display. For operation up to the 7 MHz band, place the MODE switch to LSB. For operation on or above the 1 0 MHz band, use the USB mode. Set the METER switch to ALC. Turn the PWR control fully clockwise. Press the microphone PTT switch or move the standby switch from REC to SEND. Speak into the microphone and adjust the MIC gain control so that the meter deflection does not exceed the ALC zone at voice peaks. CAL (marker) switch When this switch is ON during receive, the builtin oscillator generates a marker at 100 kHz intervals. This switch is also used to zerobeat the transceiver against \AFWV. Press the PTT switch. Local Operations This transceiver is equipped with an RF power control to vary transmit power output. Turning the PWR control counterclockwise reduces the transmit power output. Use of this control will help to reduce interference on the bands. 34. CW OPERATION MONI (monitor) switch (D Allows monitoring of transmit signal.  CW breakin selector (!)/@ During CW operation, selects either Full Breakin (FULL) or Semi Breakin (SEMI). vox Must be ON to use Breakin operation. NAR/WIDE filter switch@ Used to select either the normal TS 140S or the optional filter in CW, FSK, ATT (RF attenuator) switch Inserts 10, 20, or 30 dB of attenuation into the receiver antenna circuit, to protect the RF amplifier and mixer circuits from distortion caused by excessive input signal levels. N B (noise blanker) switch/ control@ (page 22) NB1: Used to reduce/eliminate short duration pulse noise such as an auto ignition. NB2: Use to reduce/eliminate long duration pulse noise such as the "Russian Woodpecker". PWR (RF power) control (D Controls the transmit power in SSB, CW and FM modes. Clockwise rotation increases power output. RECEPTION [1] Turn on the power. [2] The meter lamp lights and a frequency is shown on the display. 3@ Set the MODE to FM. [41 Select the desired band by operating the BAND/KEY switch or with the 1 MHz step switch. F5] Adjust audio volume with the AF (audio gain) control. [6] Adjust the main tuning control so that the desired signal can be clearly heard. AGC switch 9 (page 25) OFF  Used to disable the AGC. (Turns OFF the SMeter function). FAST  Normally used for CW and FSK. SLOWNormally used for SSB, AM and FM. NOTCH control @(page 22) Used to attenuate interference caused by heterodyne type signals. This control is not effective in reducing interference caused by SSB, FM, or AM type signals. PITCH control @ (page 26) Allows variation of the receiving tone of CW to any desired pitch. AF TUNE control @(page 26) control is used to accentua the desired CW signal. CAr LEVEL control Used to adjust carrier level. CW VBT control@ (page 21) Used to control the effective CW pass bandwidth. Counterclockwise rotation reduces the pass bandwidth. TRANSMISSION Using shielded line, connect a key or keyer to the CW KEY jack on the rear panel. Key plug connection Caution: When using an electric keyer, check the polarity of the key jack is as shown. Turn on the power. The meter lamp lights and a frequency is shown on the display. Set the MODE to CW. Set the METER switch to ALC. Turn the PWR control fully clockwise. Set the standby switch to SEND, if you are not using SemiBreak in. Depress the key. Note: With the VOX switch ON, pressing the key down permits transmission even with the standby switch set to REC. This is called Semibreakin operation. (See page 23) Adjust the CAR LEVEL control on the top cover so that the meter deflection is within the ALC zone. After transmission set the standby switch to REC. Note: The frequency display shows the transmit carrier frequency. 35. AM OPERATION ATT (RF attenuator) switchInserts 1 0, 20, or 30 dB of attenuation into the receiver antenna circuit, to protect the RF amplifier and mixer circuits from distortion caused by excessive input signal levels. wide/nar filter switch Used to select either the normal or the optional filter in CW, FSK, NB (noise blanker) switch/ control@ (page 22) NB1 : Used to reduce/eliminate short duration pulse noise such as an auto ignition. NB2: Use to reduce/eliminate long duration pulse noise such as the "Russian Woodpecker". RECEPTION Turn on the power. The meter lamp lights and a frequency is shown on the display. 3@ Set the MODE switch to AM. 4@ Select the desired band by operating the BAND/KEY switch or with the 1 MHz step switch. MIC (microphone gain) control Used for adjustment of microphone gain. Turning the control clockwise increases the gain. Adjust audio volume with the AF (audio gain) control. Adjust the main tuning control so that the desired signal can be clearly heard. Note: If you are receiving a weak DX station or are experiencing some interference, try setting the NAR/WIDE switch to NAR. This reduces the bandwidth and may help reduce or eliminate the interference. NOTCH control @ (page 22) Used to attenuate interference caused by heterodyne type signals. This control is not effective in reducing interference caused by SSB, FM, or AM type signals. SQL (squelch) control@ Used to adjust squelch sensitivity. Turning the control clockwise deepens the squelch. RF (R F gain) control@ Used to control the gain of the high frequency amplifiers. For normal operations this control should be full clockwise, for the greatest receiver sensitivity. CAR LEVEL control Used to adjust the carrier level.  AF (audio gain) control Used to select the desired amount of audio volume, Clockwise rotation increases the volume. TRANSMISSION E Connect a microphone. Turn on the power. The meter lamp lights and a frequency is shown on the display. Set the MODE to AM. Place the METER switch to POWER. Press the microphone PTT switch or move the standby switch from REC to SEND. Adjust the CAR LEVEL control on the top cover for 50W. Place the METER switch to ALC. Speak into the microphone and adjust the MIC gain control so the meter deflection becomes minimum at voice peaks. Note: If the protection circuit is activated due to poor antenna VSWR, turning the RF PWR control to the maximum, may not provide a 1 OOW meter reading. Therefore check the antenna VSWR. If it is poor, correct before transmitting again. 36. FM OPERATION ATT (RF attenuator) switch Inserts 10, 20, or 30 dB of attenuation into the receiver antenna circuit, to protect the RF amplifier and mixer circuits from distortion caused by excessive input signal levels. MONI (monitor) switch Allows monitoring of your transmitting signal. FM MIC GAIN (microphone gain) control (1) Used to adjust microphone amplifier gain. PWR (RF power) control (i) Controls the transmit power in SSB, CW and FM modes. Clockwise rotation increases power output. RECEPTION Turn on the power. The meter lamp lights and a frequency is shown on the display. [31 Set the MODE to FM. 1 F4 Select the desired band by operating the BAND/KEY switch or with the 1 MHz step switch. Adjust audio volume with the AF (audio gain) control. F5 [6] Adjust the main tuning control so that the desired signal may be clearly heard. TRANSMISSION Connect the microphone. Turn on the power. The meter lamp lights up. Set the MODE to FM. Turn the PWR control fully clockwise. Press the microphone PTT switch or place the standby switch to SEND. Adjust the PWR control so that the meter deflection is within the ALC zone.  SQL (squelch) control Used to adjust squelch sensitivity. [Turnina the control clockwise deepens the squelch. RF (RF gain) control Used to control the gain of the high frequency amplifiers. For normal operations this control should be full clockwise, for the greatest receive sensitivity. AF (audio gain) control Used to select the desired amount of audio volume. Clockwise rotation increases the volume. Press the PTT switch. Local Operation This transceiver is equipped with an RF power control to vary transmit power output. Turning the PWR control counterclockwise reduces the transmit power output. 37. FSK (RTTY) OPERATION MONI (monitor) switch (1) Allows monitoring of your transmitting signal. ATT (RF attenuator) switch as above. PWR (R F power) control Controls the transmit power in SSB, CW and FM modes. Clockwise rotation increases power output. RECEPTION [1] Connect the RTTY terminal to the RTTY jack. F2] Turn on the power. ] F3 The meter lamp lights and a frequency is shown on the display. F4 Set the MODE to FSK. [5] Select the desired band by operating the BAND/KEY (1  0) switch or with the 1 MHz step switch. 67 Adjust the AF (audio gain) control. [7] Adjust the main tuning control so that the desired signal is correctly demodulated. CAL (marker) switch When this switch is ON during receive, the builtin oscillator generates a marker at 100 KHz intervals. This switch is also used to zerobeat the transceiver against WWV. PROC (processor) switch/control * page 24 OUT: Controls the output level. NOTCH control@(page 22) control @ Used to attenuate interference caused by heterodyne type signals. This control is not effective in reducing interference caused by SSB, FM, or AM type signals. SQL (Squelch) Used to adjust squelch sensitivity. Turning the control clockwise deepens the squelch. RF (R F gain) control@ Used to control the gain of the high frequency amplifiers. For normal operations this control should be full clockwise, for the greatest receiver sensitivity.  AF (audio gain) control Used to select the desired amount of audio volume. Clockwise rotation inreases the volume. CW VBT control @(page 2 1) Used to control the effective CW pass bandwidth. Counterclockwise rotation reduces the pass bandwidth. TRANSMISSION Connect the RTTY keyboard to the RTTY jack on the rear panel. Turn on the power. The meter lamp lights and a frequency is shown on the display. Set the MODE to FSK. Set the METER switch to ALC. Set the standby switch to SEND. Adjust the PROCESSOROUT control so that the meter deflection is within the ALC zone. Operate the RTTY keyboard. CAUTION: The TS940S may be operated at full power for no more than 1 hour with the transmitter keyed continuously. If transmissions longer than one hour are necessary, use the RF POWER control to reduce the output level of the TS940S to 50 watts or less. 4. AUTO ANTENNA TUNER OPERATION If the TS940S is operated into an antenna with a high SWR, the final stage SWR protection circuit may operate (when SWR is greater than approximately 2: 1). Use of the AT940 Automatic Antenna Tuner will help you to match the antenna to the transceiver. The AT940 is capable of matching a 20  150 ohm load, or approximately a 3 : 1 SWR. If the antenna and feed line exceed this range the tuner may not be able to find the correct match. If the tuner cannot match after two attemps, check your antenna and feed lines. Output power of the TS940S will automatically be set to approximately 10 watts during the tuning process to protect the finals against damage. While the automatic antenna tuner is capable of reducing the apparent SWR of the antenna system, it is important to remember that maximum power output will only occur when the antenna has been adjusted for the lowest possible SWR. To operate the AT940: 1 . Set the AUTO/THRU switch to ON. The AT indicator will light. 2. Press the AT.T switch. The LCD will display message (a), for approximately 3 seconds. 3. While the "Tune Ready" message is appearing, pres the SEND switch, or CW key, and the antenna tuner will begin tuning. The message shown in (b) will appear in the LCD display to confirm tuning is in progress. 4. When tuning has finished, message (c) will appear in the LCD display. 5) If tuning cannot beaccomplished within approximately 30 seconds after the beginning of the tuning process, the message that appears in (d) will appear. Switch to receive, wait a few moments, and then try ANTENNA TUNER again. If no match can again be found, check your antenna feedline, and antenna system. ANTENNA TUNER Note: TUNING .... When adjusting an external antenna tuner, reduce the output power of the TS940S to approximately 50 watts. This will provide adequate protection for the final amplifiers during tuning. 5. OPERATION 2 51. FREQUENCY AND BAND SELECTION 0 (b) Main display Displays the operating frequency to the nearest 1 00 or 1 0 Hz depending upon the setting of the DISPLAY resolution switch on the top control panel. RIT frequency is displayed up to  9.99 kHz. The DISPLAY switch on the top panel allows you to select the desired resolution. The analog scale display will normally indicate the relative band position through a 1 MHz range, in 20 kHz steps. The step size and tuning range may be changed to 2 kHz steps in a 1 00 kHz range thru use of the SCALE switch. Main Tuning control Controls the dual digital VFO's operating in 10 Hz steps, at a rate of 10 kHz per revolution for normal slow tuning. When the control is rotated at a rate of over 5.5 to 6 revolutions per second the tuning rate will increase in geometric progression. The faster the knob is rotated the greater the tuning step. BAND/KEY switch Selects one of the 10 HF amateur radio bands between 1.8 MHz and 29.7 MHz. Note: Also used for direct keyboard entry of frequency. See page 34. 01 MHz step (UP/DOWN) switch Increases (UP) or decreases (DOWN) the displayed frequency in 1 MHz steps, throughout the entire frequency range of the transceiver. Pressing and holding either switch will cause the frequency to continuouslly step up or down as long as the switch is held depressed. INDICATORS LOCK indicator Lights up when the F. LOCK switch is pressed. VFO A indicator Lights up during VFO A operation. VFO B indicator Lights up during VFO B operation. MEMO (Memory) channel idicator Shows memory channel operation and lights up when setting the VFO/M switch to MEMO. RiT indicator@ Lights up when turning on the RIT switch XiT indicator@ Lights up when the XIT switch is ON. ON AIR indicator Lights during transmit. ANT TUNE (Antenna Tuner) indicator T Lights to show the automatic antenna tuner is in operation. When lit, do not operate further until it goes off. NOTCH indicator Lights when the NOTCH switch is ON. DIM (Dimmer) switch Selects the intensity of both the main digital display and the meter illumination, bright or dim. 53. FUNCTION SWITCH OPERATION These select receive and transmit frequencies. TF SET switch Depress the switch to "SPOT", or momentarily select the transmit frequency when operating in the "SPLIT" mode. Frequency "Spotting" is possible only in receive and is ineffective during transmission. A/B switch Selects the VFO A or VFO B. In VFO A or B, mode, RIT and XIT can be set separately. SPLIT switch For split frequency operations; AR, BT (A receive, B transmit), or BR, AT. When the switch is on, the SPLIT indicator lights. AB switch Used to equalize the frequency of the idle VFO with that of the active VFO. RIT, XIT and mode are also equalized. F. LOCK switch Used to lock the frequency of the VFO. In this state, the frequency cannot be varied with the main tuning control or band switches. However, RIT and XIT still function. The F. LOCK indicator lights. VOICE switch When the optional VS1 voice unit is installed the operating frequency will be announced whenever the VOICE switch is pressed. For a dial frequency of 14.200.00 the frequency will be announced as: "One", "four", "point", "two", "zero", "zero", 11 zero 11,11 zero Note: If the voice synthesizer (VS1 installed) is not activated even when the VOICE switch is operated, turn the POWER switch OFF and turn it ON again to release the locked state. 1 9 54. DUAL VFO OPERATION The TS940S has two VFO'S, A and B, which are controlled by the microprocessor. The Main Display and Subdisplay provide complete operating information for these VFO'S. The active VFO is shown in red on the Main display, and on the Subdisplay (See Section 73). To change the active VFO press the A/B switch. 55. TF SET SWITCH To operate SPLIT frequency (different transmit and receive frequency): 1 .Enter the desired receive frequency into the Active VFO. 2. Press the SPLIT key. The SPLIT indicator will light. 3. Press the TF SET switch and hold. The transceiver will switch to the idle VFO so that you can select the transmit frequency. 4. Release the TF SET switch to return to the receive frequency. 56. METER Provides seven different functions, depending on the METER switch setting. In receive the meter is automatically an Smeter, and shows the received signal strength on a scale of 0 to 60 dB over S9. In transmit, the meter function depends on the position of the METER switch. This is an average responding meter, NOT a peakreading meter. * (S METER switch (D ? COMP  Indicates compression level during speech processor operations. Do not exceed 10 dB of compression. ? ALC (Automatic Level Control)  Indicates internal ALC voltage, or the ALC voltage fed back from a linear amplifier connected to this transceiver. ? POWER: Indicates transmitter RF output power. ? SWR: Indicates voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR). ? IC: Indicates the power transistor collector current (IC). The IC meter is calibrated at the values normally encountered at full power, its indication may not be accurate at lower power settings. ? VC: Indicates the power transistor collector voltage (VC). + 20 +40 57. INTERFERENCE REDUCTION CAPABILITY SSB SLOPE TUNE control During SSB reception, these controls permit you to reduce the apparent IF filter bandwidth and therefore reduce adjacent channel interference. SSB SLOPE TUNE HIGH CUT control: Adjust the HIGH CUT contr6l counterclockwise, and interference from signals higher than the operating frequency will be reduced. The highfrequency components of the resulting receiver audio will also be reduced. The GRAPH function of the Sub display will graphically show the approximate change in IF passband. ? SSB SLOPE TUNE LOW CUT control: Adjust the LOW CUT control clockwise, and interference from signals lower than the operating frequency will be reduced. As with the HIGH CUT control, use of the LOW CUT control will also affect the audio frequency passband. In this case the low frequency components of the audio signal will be reduced. Maximum bandwidth occurs with the LOW CUT control fully counterclockwise, and the HIGH CUT control full clockwise. If you are unsure check the SUB Display. CW VBT (Variable Bandwidth Tuning) control This control is very similar to the SSB Slope Tuning controls. However, with the CW VBT control both sides of the IF passband are narrowed at the same time. The actual range depends upon the CW filters that have been installed. A description of the different possibilities fol;ows: (i) When the filter bandwidth is 2.4 kHz (no filters) the passband varies from 2.4 kHz to 600 Hz. (ii) When the optional YK88C1 (8.83 MHz, 500 Hz filter) or the YG455C1 (455 kHz, 500 Hz filter) filter is installed the passband varies from 500 Hz to approximately 150 Hz. (iii) In general the optional YG455CN1 is not recommended for use with the CW VBT circuit. This is because the widest position is only 250 Hz. Since the optional filter center frequency is 700 Hz higher than that of the builtin 2.7 kHz filter, the CW receive tone will be about 800 Hz without using the PITCH control. VBT operation is illustrated in the Figure at the right. 0 (9 NOTCH control Use this control when you are experiencing interference from a CW Heterodyne type signal. Turn the NOTCH ON and slowly adjust the NOTCH control to minimize the beat signal. A beat of approximately 1.5 kHz can be reduced at the approximate center position of the control. Please note that this control will not eliminate SSB, AM or FM type interference. The bandwidth of such signals is approximately 3  6 kHz wide. When in the USB, CW or AM mode a beat tone lower than the center frequency can be reduced by rotating the control clockwise from the center point. In LSB or FSK mode adjust the control counterclockwise. 58. NOISE BLANKER 9 (B N B 1 switch@ For pulse type noise, such as generated by automotive ignition systems, turn the NB1 switch ON. Adjusting the NB LEVEL control varies the blanker's threshold, eliminating even low level noises. NOTE: If high level receiver levels are present on an adjacent frequency, do not use excessive NB threshold LEVEL as it may cause receiver distortion. If you are operating near other strong signals, use the RF ATT along with the noise blanker level control. 9 (S NB2 switch@ Noise blanker 2 is used for long duration pulse noise, like the "Russian Woodpecker". Unfortunately no noise blanker can remove all different types of interference, but the two noise blankers that have been provided in the TS940S are effective in most cases. 0 ON B LEVEL control@ Controls the noise blanker operating level. Use only the minimum level necessary. 59. ZERO BEATING In CW operation equalizing your receiving frequency with that of your transmit is called "Zero beating". The TS940S enables you to zero beat in the following manner. 1 Set the MONI switch (monitor) to MONI. 2. If the VOX switch is ON, set it to OFF and depress the key with reception mode. 3. A side tone is heard from the speaker. 4. Adjust the main tuning control so that the transmit frequency of the station you are receiving is equal to the side tone frequency. Now, zero beating is completed. 51 0. CW BREAKIN During CW operation, the transceiver will automatically enter transmission mode when the key is depressed, if the VOX switch is turned ON in the standby mode. There are two breakin modes available with the TS940S. Semi breakin Place the VOX switch ON. Place the SEMI/FULL switch to SEMI Place the STANDBY switch to REC. Full breakin Place the VOX switch to ON. Place the SEMI/FULL switch to FULL. Place the STANDBY switch to REC. This unit has a builtin side tone oscillator circuit which allows you to monitor your own sending. The TS940S will now transmit whenever the CW key is closed. Adjust the VOX DELAY control so that the transceiver remains keyed between words. The transceiver will now immediately switch back to receive whenever the CW key is opened, allowing you to receive between dots/dashes. This feature is convenient when operating DX, Contests, or just Rag chewing by allowing a quicker response to incoming calls. Notes: If the DIN plug is put into the REMOTE terminal on the back of the transceiver, the linear control relay will operate when signal is transmitted. The relay operates when the key is simply pressed down at full breakin. Therefore, do not put the DIN plug into the REMOTE terminal when quiet operation is desired. Full Breakin operation is not possible with the TL922(A) linear amplifier. Make sure your linear amplifier is capable of full QSK operations. 511. VOX OPERATION (Voice Operated Transmit) Depress the VOX switch (1). While speaking into the microphone, increase the VOX GAIN control (A) until the VOX relay just operates. Clockwise rotation of this control will increase the sensitivity. For VOX operation it is sometimes desirable to "CloseTalk" the microphone in order to prevent background noises from tripping the transmitter. 1 . Check that the ALC reading on voice peaks is still within the ALC zone on the meter. If necessary, readjust the MIC gain control for the proper ALC reading. 2. If the VOX circuit is activated by the output from the speaker, adjust the ANTIVOX control (C) as necessary for proper VOX operation. 3. Do not use excessive VOX or ANTIVOX settings. This may cause the VOX circuit to operate erratically. Use only the necessary control setting. 4. If the VOX circuit transfers between words, or holds too long, adjust the release timeconstant using the DELAY control (B). 512. SPEECH PROCESSOR During SSB operation (especially DX operations), it may be desirable to increase the relative "talkpower" of the transmitter by using the speech processor circuitry. This may make the difference between a marginal, and a copyable signal. ? Operation Turn the PROCESSOR switch (5D ON and place the meter switch to COMP. Adjust the PROCESSOR IN control (n while speaking into the microphone in a normal tone of voice, for a peak COMP scale reading of no more than 10 dB. Do not overdrive the COMPRESSOR. This will deteriorate voice quality, increase transmitter noise level, and in general make copying your signal more difficult. Next, set the METER switch to ALC and adjust the PROCESSOR OUT control (5$ while speaking into the microphone. Ensure that the meter deflection is within the ALC zone! 513. OTHER CONTROL AND SWITCH FUNCTIONS 0 (1) ATT switch A strong adjacent signal may occasionally conceal a weaker nearby signal, or the S meter may deflect offscale when the receiver is tuned to a strong local signal. The input to the RF amplifier may be attenuated by 10, 20 or 30 dB using the RF ATT switch. This will help to reduce or eliminate interference and distortion from these stronger stations. ORF GAIN CONTROL RF GAIN is controlled by changing the AGC threshold voltage. Adjust the RF GAIN so the Smeter reading increases to a point just lower than speech peaks. This also reduces noise during reception. For normal operation, this control should be turned fully clockwise for maximum sensitivity. 0 (1) AGC switch The AGC control is normally set as follows: FAST............. CW, FSK SLOW........... SSB OFF............... Weak signal reception The Smeter does not function in the OFF position. Simultaneous use of the RF GAIN control and AGC switch may be of assistance when strong local signals are present. If a strong signal (such as a local amateur radio station) appears near the desired receive signal, the Smeter may show unusual deflection due to the AGC voltage that is developed as a result of the strong meter being signal. If this occurs, turn the RF GAIN down so the meter pointer remains at approximately the original deflection peak, and turn the AGC switch OFF. This will eliminate the unwanted AGC voltage and permit clear reception. ? (DRIT/XIT control ? RIT: First, cancel any previously programmed offset using the CLEAR key, then turn the RIT switch ON. The RIT control allows shifting the receiver frequency  9.99 kHz. The RIT display will show the offset to the nearest 1 00 Hz. Use of the RIT control will not affect the transmit frequency. When the RIT switch is ON, the RIT indicator will light, and the receive frequency can be adjusted by using the RIT control. Pressing the CLEAR switch restores the RIT to the previous status. Note: When the RIT is ON the transmit frequency may be different from the receive frequency. For normal operation leave the RIT switch OFF. It should be used only when necessary. 0 XIT (Transmitter Incremental Tuning) Transmitter Incremental tuning is very similar to RIT (Receiver Incremental Tuning). XIT is only active in the transmit mode. By using the XIT function it is possible to offset the transmit frequency without the normal loss of receiver audio that is experienced when using the SPLIT function. Offsets of  9.9 kHz are possible. The RIT/XIT offset can be preset, without affecting the actual operating frequency by turning OFF the XIT/RIT and using the RIT/XIT display to determine the offset. o AF TUNE The AF TUNE circuit is just the opposite of the NOTCH circuit. With this control it is possible to accentuate the desired signal by providing additional rejection of noise and interfering signals whose pitch (tone) falls outside the audio passband. Turn the AF TUNE switch ON and adjust the AF TUNE control to peak the desired signal. RIT. PITCH control The CW PITCH control is provided so that you may adjust the pitch or tone of the incoming CW signal so that the tone is pleasing to you. The TS940S accomplishes this without shifting the actual transmit or receive frequency, by shifting the 100 kHz IF frequency, just prior to Product Detection. 514. RTTY RTTY operation requires a demodulator and a teletypewriter. A demodulator including 2,125 and 2,295 Hz (1 70 Hz shift) filters, will be acceptable and may be connected directly to the PHONE PATCH OUT jack. To use the transceiver's FSK circuit with older high voltage teletype equipment, you must use an external keying relay in the teletypewriter closed loop, and connect the relay contacts to the rearpanel RTTY KEY jack. During FSK operation, the SPACE frequency is shown on the display. The TS940S will adapt to Slow Scan Television or RTTY operationFor SSTV, the PHONE PATCH IN jack should be connected to the Camera output. The PHONE PATCH OUT jack should be connected to the monitor input. For AFSK operation, connect the Tone Unit output to the Phone Patch input, and Phone Patch output to the Tone Unit input. In FSK operation the space frequency is indicated on the main display. 515. CONNECTORS Operation with a Linear Amplifier The TS940S may be operated with any conventional linear amplifier which will accept up to approximately 1 25 watts of RF drive, has a low current DC operated keying circuit, and returns approximately 8 to 1 0 vdc ALC back to the exciter. Please note that in order to operate full QSK (full breakin) the linear amplifier must also be QSK capable. Refer to the REMOTE connector diagram. Initial linear amplifier tuneup should be performed with the TS940S set for 50 watts output to reduce wear and tear on both the linear, and the TS940S. Use of a dummy load is strongly recommended, since the bands are already sufficiently crowded. 6. MEMORY OPERATIONS The TS940S provides 40 memory channels in 4 groups of 10 memories each. A MEMORY BANK switch is provided, under the sliding top cover, to select the desired memory bank. The Main Display shows which of the 1 0 memories has been selected in each group. The TS940S stores both frequency and mode. 61. MEMORY CHANNEL ENTRY Select the desired memory bank using the MEMORY switch on the top panel. Select the desired operating frequency and mode Select the desired method. 3. Press and hold the M.IN key. MEMOO 4. Press the desired memory channel number using the 01 number printed over the BAND/KEY switches as a guide. For example, to store 14.250.0 into memory channel 25: If the main display indicates MEMOR A: 1 .Select the second group of memories by placing the MEMORY BANK switch to 2. 2. Press the 14 MHz BAND switch. 3. Use the Main Tuning Dial to select 14.250.0 MHz. 4. Press and hold the M.IN key. 5. Press the 5/14 MHz key to store the frequency in memory. A beep will sound to confirm data entry. 6. Release the M.IN key. VFOA or B press the VFO/M switch. Hz Note: 0t 04 kH@ w !II 210 ... 3,00400.500 11 600, 1 7001 1 800, 1 900, 1 1 000 if the display indicates MEMO (A or B) you will not be ......if liti ..I III III III III II able to enter a memory channel. You must first select VFO operation by pressing the VFO/M switch. 62. MEMORY RECALL Select the desired memory bank using the MEMORY BANK SELECT SW itch on the top panel. Press the VFO/M key so that MEMO A or B appears in display. Press the desired memory channel number using the BAND/KEY switches. By using the SCROLL switch you can review the contents of the Memory Bank. Each time you depress the switch you will advance one memory channel. An example is shown in the figure at the right. Pressing and holding the SCROLL switch will cause the display to sequentially display the memory bank contents. The main display indicates memory channel data. 63. MEMORY SCAN an operates within any memory channel econd intervals. Memory channels with no are skipped during Memory Scan. emory Scan: 1. Select t e desired memory channel group using the MEMORY BANK switch on the top panel. 2. Press the MS key. Scan will start immediately. Note: Once the desired memory channel is found the data can be easily transferred to the active VFO. To shift the data to the VFO, press the HOLD switch and then the M @ VFO switch. Pressing the M @ VFO switch releases the MS and HOLD functions. To resume Memory Scan, simply press the MS switch. If there is no data stored in any of the 1 0 memory positions of a group, a triple "BEEP" will sound to signal an error. 64. PROGRAM SCAN ble scan will scan between the limits set in nnels 9 and 0. Since there are 4 banks of his means that you can program up to 4 difram scan limits. Scan proceeds from the lower channel to the upper channel. Either channel 9 or 0 may hold the lower frequency. If either channel contains no data, the Program Scan will not start, and a triple "BEEP" will sound to signal an error. To initiate Program Scan: 1 .Select the desired memory channel group with the MEMORY BANK switch. 2. Ensure the transceiver is in the VFO mode. (Program scan will not work in the Memory mode.) 3. Press the PG.S switch to start scan. 4. To pause during Program Scan press the HOLD switch. To resume scan release the HOLD switch. 5. To release PG.S press the PG.S switch. 65. DIRECT KEYBOARD FREQUENCY ENTRY Direct entry of the desired frequency is also possible with the TS940S transceiver. 1. Select VFO operation. 2. Press the ENT key. The display will indicate as in figure (1). 3. Enter the desired operating frequency from the Most Significant Digit to the Least Significant Digit. 4. After all the digits have been entered, press the ENT key again. It is not necessary to enter trailing zeros. For example: To enter 14.200.00 press the following keys, in the indicated order. [ENT], [1, [4, [2, [0, [0, [0, [0 Ent. Note: Attempting to enter a frequency outside the range of 1 0001 30 KHz  30 MHz will cause the display to revert to the When frequencies are entered down to the nearest 10 Hz, it is not necessary to press the ENT key, for the last digit. 66. CLEARING MEMORY Memory scan speed may be effectively increased by erasing unwanted memory channels. Procedure: 1 . Press the SCROLL switch to review the contents of the memory. 2 . Select the desired memory group with the MEMORY BANK switch. 3. Select VFO operation with the VFO/M switch. 4. To erase the data, press and hold the M.CE switch and then the BAND/KEY switch that corresponds to the memory channel you wish to erase. The SUB display will clear indicating the memory channel has been cleared. 7. SUBDISPLAY FUNCTION The SubDisplay provides four different types of information: (1) Timer (2) Graph (3) Frequency (4) Antenna Tuner Status Items (1), (2), and (3) can be selected by pressing the CLOCK, GRAPH, or SCROLL switches respectively. Item (4) however, is selected whenever the Antenna Tuner function has been activated. 71. SETTING THE CLOCK The Clock is programmed with the SET, GRAPH, SCROLL, and CLOCK keys. The clock is a 24 hour clock. Setting the Current time: Example: Setting the clock to 12: 00. 1 Press the CLOCK key to select the clock display. 2. Press the SET switch to prepare the clock for setting. A flashing "?" will appear on the upper clock position, as shown in figure (2). 3. By pressing the GRAPH key you can program the "Hours" position. Each time the GRAPH key is pressed the hour will advance by 1. Pressing and holding the key will cause the hours digits to count up sequentially. Use the SCROLL switch to set the minutes. Going past 59 minutes will not cause the hours digit to increment. 4. You may synchronize the time with a time standard by pressing the SET switch to "Zero" the seconds. (Seconds are not displayed.) 5. If you wish to clear the Timer displays on the lower row, press the CLOCK switch to move the flashing "?" to the lower left time display, as shown in (5). Then press and hold the SET switch for a few seconds. 72. GRAPHIC DISPLAY When the GRAPH key is pressed, either "SLOPE" (SSB) or "VBT" (all other modes) will be displayed along with a graphic illustration of the relative passband width. In SSB operation (VBT is displayed in all other modes) NOTES: 1 . This display does not show the exact bandwidth, but is included to provide a quick visual reference only. 2. If the CW VBT control is rotated quickly, the graphic display may not immediately respond to this input. A slight delay is normal, in this instance. 3. If any function of the Subdisplay fails to function properly, turn the power switch OFF and then ON to reset the microprocessor. 73. FREQUENCY DISPLAY When in the VFO mode the upper row of the Subdisplay will show the idle VFO, its frequency and mode. When in the memory mode the upper row of the Subdisplay will show the active VFO, its frequency and mode, The lower row of the subdisplay will show the active VFO when in the VFO mode, and memory channel information when in the memory mode. Notes: 1. If the SCROLL key is pressed and held the subdisplay will scan through the contents of the current Memory Group and the active VFO. 2. The frequency displayed in the subdisplay for the VFO does not include any RIT/XIT offsets. 8. TIMER FUNCTIONS The timer has three functions. It functions when the TIMER switch is set to ON. Timer MODE DISPLAY (A) Nonactive mode (clock display only) In this mode, the timer does not 4 35 function even when the TIMER switch is on. TIMER (B) Single mode OPERATION (C) (Transceiver "ON" or "OFF") In the example at right the transceiver is OFF. When the transceiver has switched ON the timer will automatically revert to the nonactive mode, and the timer will reset to 0:00. 24 Hour single event timer In the example at right the transceiver will turn ON at 1 3 : 1 0 and will be switched OFF at 4: 50 the next day. The timer always displays the next operation to be performed in the lower left position. In our example, after the radio has turned ON at 1 3 : 1 0 the display will change and the OFF time of 4: 50 will be displayed in the lower left position. 4 35 on 13 : 10 This setting can be confirmed by turning the TIMER switch OFF. 4 : 35 on 13 10 off 4 : 50 la 13 10 off 4 50 on 13 10 Execution time Next execution time 37 Programming the TIMER Always ensure that the TIMER switch is OFF before attempting to program the timer. Display example N Example l: Disabling the timer 1) Press the CLOCK switch to select the clock display. 4 35 off 15 00 on 19 10 2) Press the SET switch. A flashingwill appear in the (2) top display. 4 ? 35 3) Press the CLOCK switch to move the flashing "?" to the off 15 00 on 19 1 0 lower left timer display. (3) 4) Press and hold the SET switch for 0.5 seconds or long 4 35 er. Both timer displays will blank and only the clock off 15 ? 00 on 19 IO display will appear. The timer is now inactive, and the TIMER switch on the front panel will not function. (4) 4 35 n Example 2: Setting the timer for Single Execution (ON at 13: 00) 1) Press the CLOCK, SET, and then the CLOCK key to cause the flashing "?" to appear in the lower left (execu 4 35 tion) display. off 15 00 on 19 10 2) Whether you want to execute an ON or OFF operation may be selected by using the SET key. Pressing the(2) SET key will cause the "Execution" display to alternate4 35 between ON or OFF. 3) Use the GRAPH (hour) switch to select "13", and theon 15 ? 00 off 19IO SCROLL (minute) switch to select "00". Pressing either(3) the GRAPH or the SCROLL switch will cause the selected figure to advance sequentially.4 : 35 4) Press the CLOCK switch and the flashing "?" will apon 13 ? 10 off 19 : 10 pear in the lower right display.(4) 5) Press and hold the SET key for 0.5 seconds or longer. 435 This will turn OFF the lower right display. The "Clock" and "Execution" displays will remain ON. on 1310 off 19 ? 10 (5) 435 on 13I 0 38 0 Example 3: Programming the 24 hour timer (ON 13: 10/OFF 4: 50) 1) Press the CLOCK key to select the Clock display. 2) Press the SET switch. The flashing "?" should appear in the Clock position. 3) Press the CLOCK switch to move the flashing "?" to the "Execution" (lower left) position. 4) Press the SET key so that "ON" appears in the "Execution" display. 5) Press the GRAPH key to set the hour to "l 3". Press the SCROLL key to set the minute to " 1 0". 6) Press the CLOCK key to move the flashing "?" to the lower right position. Use the GRAPH and SCROLL keys to select "4:50". 7) Press the CLOCK key. The flashing "?'@ will disappear, and all 3 display positions will remain ON. 4 35 off 15 00 on 19 1 0 (2) 4 ? 35 off 15 00 on 19 : 10 (3) 4 35 off 15 ? 00 on 19 : IO (4) 4 : 35 on 13 ? 10 off 1 9 00 (5) 4 35 on 13 I 0 off 4 ? 50 (6) 4 35 on 13 I 0 off 4 50 39 9. OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES 91. PERIPHERAL DEVICES AND OPTIONS The following optional accessories are available for more efficient and enjoyable operation of the TS940S. N AT940 AUTOMATIC ANTENNA TUNER The TS940S is available either with or without a builtin automatic antenna tuner. The tuning range is automatically preselected at band selection. Reflected power and final stage lc (collector current) are monitored to control the tuning motors for the lowest SWR. The tuner covers all amateur bands from 1 60 through 1 0 meters, including the new WARC bands. Matching capability is 20 to 150 ohms, unbalanced. The front panel "AUTOTHRU" switch allows bypassing the tuner, if desired. N SPEAKER SP940 The SP940 is a lowdistortion speaker with selectable frequency response for high intelligibility in any mode. The frequency response is shaped by selectable builtin audio filters, which are effective in improving the signaltonoise ratio under certain interference conditions, or when receiving weak signals. 0 STATION MONITOR SM220 Built around a basic 10 MHz oscilloscope, the SM220 station monitor features, in combination with a builtin twotone generator, a variety of waveformobserving capabilities. In addition the TS940S provides the capability of "Pan display" or spectrum analysis of band activity when the optional BS8 is used with the SM220. 0 HF LINEAR AMPLIFIER TL922/TL922A The TL922 is an HF linear amplifier that employs a pair of 350OZ high performance transmitting tubes. Coverage is provided for 1 60  1 0 meters. Coverage is not provided for the WARC bands. The TL922A is available only in the U.S.A and does not cover the 10 meter band as delivered from the factory. The linear is easily converted for use on 1 0 meters by the owner. ? HS4 COMMUNICATIONS HEADPHONES 0 HS5 COMMUNICATIONS HEADPHONES Headphones designed for communications equipment. These lightweight open airtype headphones remain cornfortable during extended operation. Easily attached earpads are provided. o VS1 VOICE SYNTHESIZER N HS6 COMMUNICATIONS HEADPHONES Deluxe, very lightweight headphones designed for communications equipment. ? HS7 MICRO HEADPHONES ? MC42S HAND HELD MICROPHONE E MC60A BASE STATION MICROPHONE Communications microphone with pushtotalk and remote frequency UP/DOWN switches. E SO1: TEMPERATURE COMPENSATED CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR FOR THE TS940S The SO1 is a crystal oscillator used for the purpose of further improving the frequency stability of TS940S. (Oscillation frequency: 20 MHz, Range of frequency correction: @ 60 Hz) FOR am YK88A1 (6 dB bandwidth: 6 kHz, 8,830.0 kHz) Center Frequency: 8,830.0 kHz Passband Width: 6 kHz (6 dB) Attenuation Bandwidth: 1 1 kHz (60 dB) Guaranteed Attenuation: More than 80 dB YK88A1 For CW 0 YK88C1 (6 dB bandwidth: 500 Hz, 8,830.0 kHz) Center Frequency: 8,830.0 kHz Passband Width: 500 Hz (6 dB) Attenuation Bandwidth: 1.5 kHz (60 dB) Guaranteed Attenuation: More than 80 dB YK88C1 0 YG455C1 (6 dB bandwidth: 500 Hz, 455 kHz) Center Frequency: 455.0 kHz Passband Width: 500 Hz (6 dB) Attenuation Bandwidth: 820 Hz (60 dB) Guaranteed Attenuation: More than 80 dB N YG455CN1 (6 dB bandwidth: 250 Hz, 455 kHz) Center Frequency: 455.0 kHz Passband Width: 250 Hz (6 dB) Attenuation Bandwidth: 480 Hz (60 dB) Guaranteed Attenuation: More than 80 dB YG455CN1 Recommended filter pair 41 92. INSTALLATION OF ACCESSORIES 1. Preparation (1) Prepare the following tools. 0 No. 2 Philips screwdriver 0 Diagonal cutters (2)Unplug the power cord from the AC outlet before starting work. (3) Remove the 8 top and 8 bottom case screws and remove the covers. 93. OPTIONAL FILTER INSTALLATION (1) Install the filters at the appropriate locations on the signal unit. Tighten the supplied mounting screws. If any of the capacitors that are mounted on the signal unit interfere with filter installation, they may be gently" bent out of the way. 0 YK88A1 Remove jumper wire W21 from the YK88A1 position with a diagonal cutter. Install the YK88A1 and tighten the supplied mounting screws. N YK88C1 Remove jumper wire W22 from the YK88C1 position with a diagonal cutter. Install the YK88C1 and tighten the supplied mounting screws. 0 YG455C1 or YG455CN1 Remove jumper wire W31 from the YG455C(N)1 position with a diagonal cutter. Install the YG455(N)1 and tighten the supplied mounting screws. COMBINATION OF IF FILTERS MODE NARWIDE 883 MHz IF 455 kHz IF Overall pass SSB SLOPE CW VBT AFTUNE NOTCH Note switch switch bandwidth TUNE 2 HICUT to SSB WIDE or 2.4 kHz 2.4 kHz 1500 Hz 4 NARROW (Stock) (Stock) 2.4 kHz LOWCUT to Yes 700 Hz WIDE 2.4 kHz 2.4 kHz 2.4 kHz  600 Hz  Yes Yes 2.4 kHz Filter CW/FSK (YK88C1 (YG455C1 500 Hz  150 Hz  Yes Yes combination 2 NARROW 500 Hz) 500 Hz) 500 Hz recommended .1 for CW VBT 2.4 kHz (YG455CN1 250 Hz  *3Yes Yes For narrower 250 Hz 6 kHz 6 kHz   WIDE (YK88A1 6 kHz 6 kHz  4  6 kHz  Yes AM 6 kHz) 2.4 kHz 2.4 kHz 2.4 kHz  600 Hz NARROW (YK88A 1 2.4 kHz 2.4 kHz  2.4 kHz*  Yes 6 kHz) I *3 Table 91 Note: r() Optional filter installed. YK88C1 *1 Shows recommended optional filter combination for cw. *2 AF TUNE in FSK mode does not work. *3 Although VBT circuit operates, not recommended. *4 No optional SSB filters. 94. AT940 INSTALLATION 1. Remove the top and bottom covers as shown (1 6 screws). 2. First place the AT940 unit on the mounting space and insert a soft rag or some other such item to raise the AT940 off the chassis for cable connection. 3. Connect the plus, using the numbers printed on each plug, and using the figure as a guide. 4. Remove the object that was inserted as a spacer and secure the AT940 with the 4 screws provided. 5. Disconnect cable (a) and plug it onto the AT940 OUT terminal as shown. Connect cable lb) as shown by the arrow. Reverse the procedure in Step 1 to replace the top and bottom covers. This completes the installation of the AT940. 95. VS1 INSTALLATION Note: Two 3pin jacks are on the VS1 pc board. The outer jack is J01. Use this jack when connecting. When the VS1 unit is installed, the displayed frequency is announced by synthesized voice. To install, proceed as follows: (1) Remove the top cover with a No. 2 Philips screwdriver. (2) Place the VS1 unit on the space shown in the figure and secure it with 4 screws supplied. (3) Connect 3pin (A) and 8pin (B) plugs equipped with the TS940S as shown to J01 (3pin jack) and J02 (8pin jack). 96. SO1 INSTALLATION 1 .Disconnect Power before Proceeding! 2. Using a No. 2 Philips screwdriver, remove the transceiver top cover (8 screws). 3. Remove four screws from the Digital unit shield. Be careful of the wiring and protect the top edge of the front panel and the SMeter terminals, when lifting the shield and digital unit forward. Reset the assembly on the top of the front panel with a cardboard or similar protective buffer so the panel is not marked or scratched. 4. Remove 8 screws securing the PLL unit. 5. Using a 45W (or less) soldering iron, remove those components from the PLL PCB from the space into which the SO1 unit will be mounted. REMOVE: TC1, Xl, Ql, C2  6, Rl  4. 6. Before mounting the SO1, clear the solder from the four mounting holes. Install the SO1 unit as shown and solder its four posts to the PC board. Solder sparingly, and heat the connections only long enough to insure a good solder joint. Don't overheat the SO1 or circuit board. Clip the SO1 leads flush to the circuit board. 7. Before reassembly, verify digital display calibration. Note, however, that the adjustment is no longer avai4 lable from the side of the transceiver, but is on top of the SO1. 8. Remount the PLL unit and digital unit shield with top panel assembly. Note: During this procedure, be sure not to pinch any wires between the chassis and the PLL PCB or the digital unit shield and chassis. Watch the shield to SMeter clearance during reassembly. SPECIFICATIONS Output.................................. More than 0 dBm at 50 ohms Oscillating frequency.............................................. 20 MHz Weight......................................................................... 25g Frequency stability....................................... t X 1 06/year Note: (long term)Warranty registration is not required for the SO1. Retain Temperature stability........................................... X 1 07your sales slip or other proof of purchase, should service ( 1O'C + 5 O'C)be required. Adjustable frequency Range................................................... more than @ 60 Hz Remove all parts from the space 0        7N indicated by the dotted line. xi RI R4 @6 c Digital unit shield 0 ? %           o) r soi ng bracket 10 SO1 Installation 45 OTHER OPERATIONS 0 PHONE PATCH OPERATION Most phone patches will work satisfactorily without any modification to the radio. The PC 1 A Phone Patch can be used with the TS940S without modification to the patch. Operation will be as described in the PCLA instruction sheet. Recommended settings are: PC1 (A) RX Gain 4 TX Gain 4 Null as necessary TS940S Vox Gain 1 AF Gain 4 Mic Gain 5 Anti Vox Max N OPERATION WITH A SECOND RECEIVER If you prefer operating another receiver in place of the TS940S receiver section, you may share the antenna from the TS940S during receivetime. Flip the rear panel RXANT switch to EXTERNAL, and connect the antenna input of your second receiver to the RX ANT terminal using 5092 coaxial cable. Reduce the AF Gain setting on the transceiver to zero. Mute the external receiver from Pin 4 and GROUND of the remote connector. If a linear amplifier is also used with the transceiver, diode isolate the external receiver and linear to Pin 4, and be sure combined current is less than the maximum rating for this terminal. N OPERATION WITH A SEPARATE RECEIVER ANTENNA Use the XVRTR port and an 8 Pin DIN Plug, Part E07085105 Pin 8HF Ant output from the TS940S Pin 5RX Ant input Pin 3GND Either wire your extra antenna to pin 5 and ground, and use the DIN plug as the connect/disconnect, or wire pins 8 and 5 and the external antenna through a SPDT switch, as shown. 0 OPERATION AS A SECOND RECEIVER Use the REMOTE Connector. Connect Pin 3 (PTT line) ( and Pin 2, GROUND) to your XMTR control output, to ground Pin 3 in TX. Feed the antenna through the primary transmitter or transceiver antenna relay. 10. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 101. FREQUENCY CONFIGURATION The TS940 is quadruple conversion in SSB, CW, AM and FSK modes and triple conversion in FM mode. As a transmitter, it is double conversion in CW and FM modes and triple conversion in SSB, AM and FSK modes. Fig. 1 01 shows the frequency configuration of the signal paths as both a transmitter and a receiver. 102. LOCAL OSCILLATOR PLL CIRCUIT This is a digital VFO (Variable Frequency Oscillator) that covers a frequency range of 45.08 MHz  75.05 MHz in 1OHz steps. Three PLL loops are linked in analog mode. The dividing ratio data to each PLL is controlled by the microprocessor. Each loop is of a single crystal frequency control system: the VCO phase is compared with the unique reference frequency STD  CAR1 and CAR2 frequencies are inserted halfway in the analog link, enabling variable bandwidth functions such as VBT and slope tuning. The PLL circuit is shown in Fig. 1 02. 103. RECEIVER The signal from the antenna is applied to the RF unit (X441 66000) ANT terminal. The signal passes through the transmitter/receiver selector circuit and out the EXT terminal. The output is connected to the RF unit RXA terminal via the selector circuit provided on the rear panel. This signal is applied to the receiver BPF through the RF attenuator (0, 10, 20, or 3OdB selectable) via relays RL1 and RL2. The BPF divides the received frequency range into nine bands, which are automatically selected by RX BPF control data (RBO  RB3) from the Digital unit A (X54183000). The signal from the BPF is passed through the RF AGC circuit composed of PIN diodes D23 and D26. It is then amplified by RF amplifier Q10 and applied to the first receiver mixer Q9, where it is mixed with the VCO signal to become the first IF signal at 45.05 MHz. This signal is applied to grounded gate amplifiers Q7 and 8, and the output is applied from the RIF terminal to IF unit (X48143000). The unwanted signal components are removed from the 45.05 MHz first IF signal by 1 5 kHz MCF XF1. The signal is then applied to the second receiver mixers Q4 and Q5, mixed with the (36.22 MHz) HET signal and converted to the (8.83 MHz) second IF signal. This signal is separated into two channels: one is supplied to the noise blanker on the Control unit (X531 420XX), and the other is applied to the second IF filter via noise blanking gate D3  D6. This filter circuit is provided with crystal filter XF2: YK88Sl with a 2.7 kHz bandwidth for SSB (used also for wide CW/FSK and narrow AM), and wide band LC filters L37, L38 for FM (used also for wide AM when the optional AM filter is not provided.) As an option, the filter circuit permits use of two filters: a YK88C1 with 50OHz bandwidth for CW and a YK88A1 with 6kHz bandwidth for AM. These four filters are automatically selected by the W/Nmode information (WN, ND2 and MD1) from Di 47 gital unit A via the keyboard. The received signal, having passed through the second IF filter, is applied to the third receiver mixer Q7, 8 to be mixed with the CAR2 signal (9.285 MHz) and then converted to the third IF signal (455 kHz). The output is then separated into two channels. One is connected to the Control unit FIN terminal, and goes through IF amplifier Q45 and third IF filter CF1 . It is then applied to limiter amplifiers IC1 1 and IC1 2 for amplitude limiting, and the output applied to ceramic discriminators Ll 2 for FM detection. The detected output is supplied from the FMV terminal to the IF unit for the FM mode signal via the deemphasis circuit and, at the same time, the noise component near 40 kHz is eliminated. The signal is then connected to the squelch circuit, noise amplifier Q46 and Q47, noise rectifier D80 and D81 and the comparator consisting of IC1 3 2/2. The above Control unit circuits function in all modes. Therefore, one noise squelch system is employed. The squelch control output mutes the IF unit audio amplifier via the MTU terminal. (IF unit Q28) The third IF signal is amplified by Q10 on the IF unit and is then applied to the filter circuit as the third IF signal. This filter circuit uses a ceramic filter CF1 with a 2.7 kHz bandwidth for SSB (used also for wide CW/FSK and narrow AM) and ceramic filter CF2 with a 6 kHz bandwidth for AM wide. As an option, the filter circuit provides for use of either a CW 500 Hz crystal filter or 250 Hz bandwidth filter. These three filter types are automatically selected by information from Digital unit A, like the second IF filters. The signal from the third IF filter is amplified by Ql and applied to the fourth receiver mixer to be mixed with the 355 kHz (CAR1  CAR3) signal and converted to the fourth IF signal. The output is applied to Ql 3 via the notch filter circuit. This amplifier output is detected by either the SSB/CW product detector or the AM detector. The detected signal is applied to AF GAIN control via the squelch gate Q28 and preamplifier Q29. In CW mode, it is also possible to apply the signal through the AF TUNE circuit, IC1 and IC2. The output of Q3 is also applied to the AGC circuit. The received AF signal from the AF GAIN control is applied to the Control unit, where it is amplified by the audio power amplifier IC1 5 and used to drive the speaker. 104. TRANSMITTER The audio signal from the microphone is applied to the IF unit MIC terminal and is preamplified by Q36. The output is applied to the MIC GAIN control (on the front panel), the FM MIC GAIN control (on the top panel) or VOX circuit in the SSB and AM modes. The SSB signal channel is returned to the IF unit, amplified by IC3 and applied to balanced modulator D73. A diode switch is provided at the input of IC3, which selects the audio signal in the SSB and AM mode, and the AFSK signal (2.2936 kHz/2.1 277 kHz) from the PLL unit in the FSK mode. Balanced modulator D73 is constructed as a package containing four matched Schottky diodes, which provides stable modulation characteristic against varying operating conditions such as temperature fluctuation. The 455 kHz DSB (Double Side Band) signal from D73 is converted to SSB by filter CF1 (or CF2 in the AM mode), which is shared by the third receiver IF filter after passing through the buffer amplifier Q37. The filter output runs through buffer amplifier Q39 and is then applied to the RF speech processor circuit Q40, IC4 and Q43. When the processor is off, the signal is applied directly to the first transmitter mixer Q44 and Q45 via diode switch D78 and D79. In FSK mode, even if the processor switch is off, approx. lOdB compression is automatically applied. This effectively suppresses any level difference between MARK and SPACE frequencies in AFSK. Note, however, that the compression meter does not deflect. In the AM mode, even if the processor switch is off, the signal runs through D78 and D79 but does not pass through the processor. The processor output signal is applied to the first transmitter mixer via diode switch D83. Here, the audio signal is mixed with the CAR2 signal (9.285 MHz) and converted to 8.83 MHz. The 8.83 MHz signal runs through SSB filter XF2 (a wide band filter L37, L38 or optional YK88A1 in AM mode) shared by the second receiver IF filter, where any splatter which may be generated in the speech processor is eliminated. The signal is then applied to the transmitter IF amplifier Q48. In CW and FM modes or during auto antenna tuning, the CARO signal is applied to Q48 via buffer amplifier Q46. In these modes, since the transmitter signal does not pass through the narrow band filter, full CW breakin operation is enabled. The transmitter signal is then applied to the second transmitter mixer Q50 and Q51, where it is mixed with the HET signal (36.22 MHz), yielding a TIF signal at 45.05 MHz, whose output is connected to the RF unit. In the RF unit, the signal is mixed with the VCO signal in the third transmitter mixer Ql and Q2, providing the final transmitter frequency. Any undesirable components in this signal are then eliminated in the transmitter BPF (1.8  30 MHz). The signal is amplified by wideband amplifier Q3, Q4 and Q5 and supplied from the DRV terminal to the Final unit as the drivelevel output. This drive output is automatically disconnected from the Final unit input if a plug is inserted into the transverter connector. The signal applied to the Final unit is amplified by wideband drivers Q2, Q3 and finals Q4, Q5. The output of the Final unit passes through the Filter unit where the unwanted higher harmonic component elements are eliminated. The Filter unit divides the transmitter frequency range into bands. Each LPF is automatically selected by TX LPF information (LPOLP2) supplied from Digital unit A. After passing through the Filter unit, the transmitter output runs through the AT (optional) unit, the transmitter/ receiver selector circuit and then is connected to the ANT terminal on the rear panel. 105. AUTO ANTENNA TUNER The auto antenna tuner consists of the tuner section and the control section. The tuner section consists of coils and variable capacitors which form the matching circuit. The variable capacitors are driven by high speed motors. The control section decodes the matching condition of the transmitter output stage and drives and controls the motors to make a good match between the transmitter and the antenna. This auto antenna tuner works within the amateur bands (1.8 MHz  29.7 MHz). 11. MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT GENERAL Your transceiver has been factory aligned and tested to specification before shipment. Under normal circumstances the transceiver will operate in accordance with these operating instructions. All adjustable trimmers and coils in your transceiver were preset at the factory and should only be readjusted by a qualified technician with proper test equipment. Attempting service or alignment without factory authorization can void the transceivers warranty. When operated properly, the transceiver should give years of service without requiring realignment. The information in this section gives some general service procedures which can be accomplished without sophisticated test equipment. CLEANING The knobs, front panel and cabinet of the transceiver are likely to become soiled after extended use. The knobs should be removed from the transceiver and cleaned with a neutral soap and warm water. Use a neutral soap (not harsh chemicals) and damp cloth to clean the cabinet and front panel. 111. PREPARATION 1. Removing the covers Remove the eight screws which fasten the top and eight screws from the bottom case panel. The covers may be lifted away. 2. Service position Place the transceiver on its left side, with the final stage up, for proper ventilation. 112. ADJUSTMENTS 1. RV voltage adjustment (Control unit) Adjust the voltage to 2.1 V with VR1. 2. Supply voltage adjustment (Power Supply unit) Adjust the voltage to 28.5V with VR1. 3. Digital display calibration Connect the antenna, place the MODE switch to CW, and ZeroBeat to WWV at either 5, 1 0 or 1 5 MHz. Next, turn the 1 00 kHz calibrator ON and the marker signal will be superimposed on the WWV signal. If the calibrator is also at ZeroBeat, adjustment is not necessary. If the calibrator is not ZeroBeat with WWV, adjust the Standard oscillator trimmer through the reference frequency adjustment access opening (on the side of the TS940S) so the two signals are again ZeroBeat. Repeat this procedure 2 or 3 times. This completes calibration of the Digital Display. After calibration turn off the CAL switch. Note: WWV is not a reliable signal in Europe. 4. Subdisplay contrast adjustment If necessary, adjust the SUB DISP. CONTRAST control on the top panel at the normal viewing position in order to retain LCD contrast. TC1 Trimmer 0 Access (STD. OS Digital display calibration 5. Carrier balance adjustment (IF unit) With a 5OS2 dummy load connected to the ANT terminal, adjust for maximum output at 14.175 MHz. Reduce mic gain to zero. Set the transceiver in LSB mode. The power meter or an oscilloscope will deflect if the carrier is unbalanced. To balance the carrier, alternately adjust trimmer TC1 and trimpot VR6 until the meter indicates minimum. Switch to USB mode and if the pointer deflects, readjust so the pointer deflects equally for both LSB and USB. 6. Side tone level adjustment (Control unit) Adjust VR1 5 for your preference. 7. "Buzzer" level adjustment (Control unit) Adjust VR1 4 for your preference. 8. Monitor level adjustment (Control unit) Adjust VR1 3 for your preference. 9. S meter adjustment (IF unit) Disconnect the antenna with the transceiver in receive mode. Zeropoint adjustment: Adjust VR3 for meter pointer zero indication. If a standard signal generator (SSG) is available, adjust VR4 so the Smeter indicates "S9", at 1 4.1 75 MHz for a 40 dB (50,uV) signal. 1 0. NOTCH adjustment (IF unit) Turn the CAL (marker) switch on and tune for 800 Hz in the CW mode. Place the MODE switch to CW and turn the NOTCH switch on. Adjust the NOTCH control to the 1 2 o'clock position and fine tune NOTCH for the notch point. Adjust VR2 and L1 6 for minimum audio output. Repeat the NOTCH control and L16 adjustments several times for best null. 113. MAINTENANCE 1. Semiconductors, resistors, and capacitors Semiconductors are easily destroyed if a circuit is shorted. Troubleshoot carefully. If a defective resistor or capacitor is to be replaced, use one of the same specifications. 2. Fuse When the fuse blows, there is some cause. Be sure to find the cause before attempting operation. Use a 6 A fuse for 1 20VAC, or a 4 A fuse for 220V AC  240 VAC operation. Under no circumstances use a higher amperage fuse than specified. This can cause extensive damage. The warranty will be void if an oversized fuse is used. 3. Fan motor lubrication Every 6 months apply a drop of light machine oil at the point where the shaft meets the motor housing. 4. Meter lamp Replacement 1 .Remove power cable. 2. Remove 8 screws and top cover. 3. Slide the two METER meter lamps (with grommets) from their keyed slots on the rear of the METER shield. 4. Desolder the leads from the circuit board adjacent to the power switch. 5. Replace the lamps in reverse order of disassembly. Meter lamp part number is B30081 71 5. These are rated 1 4V, 80 mA. 5. Backup Battery The TS940S has two backup batteries. One for memory backup (5 years); the other for the timer (3 years). 6. AC voltage selection The TS940S will operate on 120, 220 or 240V AC 50 or 60 Hz. For proper operation, select the power setting closest to your local line voltage. If you are not sure of the local line voltage, contact the utility company. To reset the voltage selector, FIRST DISCONNECT THE POWER CABLE. Use a screwdriver align the selector to the correct voltage. 7. Ordering spare parts When ordering replacement or spare parts for your equipment, be sure to specify the following information: Model and serial number of the equipment. Schematic number of the part. Printed circuit board number on which the part is located. Part number and name, if known, and quantity desired. S. Service Should it ever become necessary to return the equipment for repair, pack in its original boxes and packing, and include a full description of the problems involved. Also include your telephone number. You need not return accessory items unless directly related to the service problem. You must return your radio for service to the Authorized TRIO Dealer from whom you purchased it. A copy of the service report will be returned with the unit. Please do not send subassemblies or printed circuit boards. Send the complete unit, in its original boxes and packing. Service note: Dear OM, if you desire to correspond on a technical or operational problem, please make your note short, complete, and to the point. And PLEASE make it readable. Please list: Model and serial number. The question or problem you are having. Please give sufficient detail to diagnose: other equipment in the station, meter readings and anything you fee might be useful in attempting diagnosis. Note: 1. Record the date of purchase, serial number and dealer from whom purchased. 2. For your own information, retain a written record of any maintenance performed on the unit. 3. When claiming warranty service, you must include a photocopy of the bill of sale, or other proof of purchase showing the date of sale. 11 4. HOW TO INITIALIZE MICROPROCESSOR 1 . If the microprocessor malfunctions or if you want to reset the transceiver, switch on the power with the A B switch pressed. 2. If the subdisplay fails to perform property, press the reset switch (see the figure) at the rear of the subdisplay to reset the subdisplay. After this, always switch off the transceiver source power and then switch on again. NOTE: If the POWER switch is operated too frequently, the subdisplay may fail to indicate properly. In this case, switch off the source power and then switch on again. 12. IN CASE OF DIFFICULTY ... TRANSMITTER SECTION SYMPTOM CAUSE No output in SSB (No Ic.) 1 . Open microphone cable or bad microphone. 2. Low microphone gain. 3. PROC switch is to ON with PROC IN/ OUT control fully counterclockwise. VOX does not operate. 1 . VOX GAIN control too low. 2. ANTI VOX control requires adjust ment. VOX trips by speaker output. ANTI VOX control requires adjustment. Mic or radio chassis is "hot" Excess RF in the shack. No earth ground, during TX. poor ground, or antenna is too close to the radio. Poor audio in SSB, TXfeedback. Excess RF in the shack. RECEIVER SECTION SYMPTOM no receiver noise when the POWER switch is turned on. signals are heard. meter deflects without a received signal. SSB signal unintelligible. RIT control inoperative. ly high cut or low cut. REMEDY 1. Check the microphone. 2. Increase the mic Gain. 3. Increase the PROC IN/OUT settings. 1. See section 51 1 VOX operation. 2. See section 51 1 VOX operation. See section 51 1 VOX operation. See section 16. See section 51 3. CAUSEREMEDY Lights do not light and there is 1. Bad power cable or connections.1. Check cables and connections. 2. Blown power supply fuse.2. Check for the cause of the blown fuse and replace the fuse. An antenna is connected but no Microphone PTT switch (or standbyRelease the PTT switch. switch) is in the transmit position. An antenna is connected but S 1. RF GAIN control fully anticlock use.1. Open RF GAIN control. 2. Low AC line voltage.2. Use a stepup transformer to raise the line voltage. MODE switch is set to wrong sideband.Turn MODE switch to the correct side band. RIT switch is off.Push RIT button. SSB received signal is extreme Slope tuning is out of adjustment.Set to the NORMAL position. TIMER SECTION SYMPTOM CAUSE REMEDY Transceiver not turned on. TIMER switch on with repeat timer set. Set the TIMER switch to off. 53 13. INTERNAL VIEWS (Upper) DIGITAL unit (Lower) PLL unit *AT940 unit There are two versions for the TS940S. Version with the AT940 Version without the AT940 it Jill Power transformer Power supply unit Final unit Filter unit RF unit IF unit CONTROLunit Monitor level ADJ. VR1 3 8.83 MHz optional CW filter mount Buzzer level ADJ. VR 1 4 8.83 MHz optional AM filter mount455 kHz optional CW filter mountSide tone level ADJ. VR1 5 Carrier balance ADJ. NOTCH Adjustment VR2 VR6, TC1 and L16 54 ANT RF UNIT IF U@IT @AT@ 3.5 CO) FINAL UNIT F 1. A.1 A.1 DIGITAL UNIT CAR UNII ALC REF.IC TIMING PROTECTION T::: CONTROL AVR r 2,7 AVR L J 7o @ I.r 5 VAV R AV R F_ CONTROL UNIT cn (n CY) c THRU vct VC2 THRU z m > CURRENT/VOLTAGF7 OUT PU ANT m IN PUT AUTO TRANSFORMER WAVE FORM SHAPING R OP PHASE Fcw C.T. COMP. 5V sv R L AP DRIVE Hor L IVOLTAGEI DECODE BAND DATA  (PLL  CAR UNIT) lu u cl, LV 5 7 15. SPECIFICATIONS [GENERAL] Transmitter Frequency Range:............................ 160 m Band 1.8  2.0 MHz 80 m Band 3.5  4.0 MHz 40 m Band 7.0  7.3 MHz 30 m Band 10. 1  10. 1 5 MHz 20 m Band 14.0  14.35 MHz 17 m Band 18.068  18.168 MHz 15 m Band 21.0  21.45 MHz 12 m Band 24.89  24.99 MHz 1 0 m Band 28.0  29.7 MHz Receiver Frequency Range:.................................. 150 kHz  30 MHz Mode:...................................................................... A3J (USB, LSB), Al (CW), Fl (FSK), A3 (AM), F3 (FM) Frequency Stability...............................................  1 0 X 1 06 (_ 1 0,C  +50'C) Frequency Accuracy............................................. + 1 OX 106 (Room temperature) Antenna Impedance.............................................. 50ohms With AT940 Antenna Tuner............................... 20  1 50 ohms (Transmission only) Power Requirement:............................................. 120/220/240 VAC, 50/60 Hz Power Dissipation:................................................ Max. 51 0 W during transmission, 80 W during reception Dimensions............................................................ W 401 x H 141 x D 350 mm (Projections Inc.) W 409 x H 154 x D 420 mm W 160.4 x H 56.4 x D 140 inch (Projections Inc.) W 1 63.6 x H 61.6 x D 1 68 inch Weight.................................................................... With antenna tuner: Approx. 20 kg (44.0 lbs) Without antenna tuner: Approx. 1 8.5 kg (41.0 lbs) [TRANSMITTER] Rated Final Power Input....................................... 25OW PEP (1 60  1 0 m bands in SSB, CW, FSK, FM) 14OW (in AM) Modulation............................................................. SSB: Balanced modulation FM: Reactance modulation AM: Low level modulation Maximum Frequency Deviation........................... @ 5 kHz RTTY Shift............................................................. 1 70 Hz Harmonic Content................................................. 40 dB or less (in CW) Carrier Suppression.............................................. 40 dB or more (with 1.5 kHz modulation) Unwanted Sideband Suppression....................... Better than 50 dB (with 1.5 kHz modulation) 3rd order intermodulation..................................... 37 dB or less (based on Single tone output) Microphone Impedance........................................ 5000  5OkS2 Frequency Response............................................. 400  2600 Hz at 6 dB in SSB [RECEIVER] Circuitry.................................................................. Quadruple conversion for SSB, CW, AM, FSK Triple conversion for FM Intermediate Frequencies.................................... 1 st IF: 45.05 MHz 2nd IF: 8.83 MHz 3rd IF: 455 kHz 4th IF: lOO kHz 58 Sensitivity 1 50 kHz  500 kHz........................................... 1 0 dB S/N 0 dBp (luV) or less in SSB, CW and FSK 1 0 dB S/N 20 dBu (1 OuV) or less in AM 500 kHz  1.8 MHz........................................... 1 0 dB S/N 1 2 dBp (4,uV) or less in SSB, CW and FSK 1 0 dB S/N 30 dBp (32,uV) or less in FM 1.8 MHz  30 MHz........................................ 1 0 dB S/N 1 4 dBp (0.2,uV) or less in SSB, CW and FSK 1 0 dB S/N 6 dBp (2pV) or less in AM 1 2 dB SINAD 6 dBu (0.5,u) or less in FM Squelch Sensitivity............................................... 1 0 dBu (0.32,uV) or less Image Ratio............................................................ 80 dB or more in 1.8  30 MHz IF Rejection............................. 70 dB or more in 1.8  30 MHz Selectivity: N: DenotesthefiltersettingisNARROW. W: Denotes the filter setting is WIDE. (SSB, CW, AM(N), FSK)................. 2.4 kHz/6 dB 3.6 kHz/60 dB (AM (W)).............................. 6 kHz/6 dB 1 5 kHz/50 dB (F M)..................................................................... 1 2 kHz/6 dB 22 kHz/60 dB Variable Range With SSB Filter (SSB Slope Tune)............................................... Highcut: 15OOHzormore Lowcut: 700 Hz or more Without SSB filter (CW VBT)........................................... 600 Hz  2.4 kHz continuously variable RIT/XIT Variable range.................................  9.99 kHz Notch Filter Antenuation................... I....... 40 dB or more Audio Output......................................................... 1.5 W (at 8 ohm load/l 0% distortion) Audio Load Impedance......................................... 8 ohms Note: Circuits and ratings subject to change without notice due to developments in technology. 59 Model TS940S Serial No. Date of Purchase Dealer KENWOOD CORPORATION Sh onogi Shibuya Bu id ng, 17 5, 2chome Shibuya, Sh buyaku, Tokyo 150 Japan KENWOOD U.S.A. CORPORATION 2201 E. Dominguez Street, Long Beach, California 90810 U.S.A. KENWOOD ELECTRONICS DEUTSCHLAND GM@ RembrOcker Str 15, 6056 Heusenstamm, West Germany KENWOOD ELECTRONICS BENELUX N.V. Mechelsesteenweg 418 B1930 Zaventem, Belgium KENWOOD ELECTRONICS AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD. (INCORPORATED IN N SW) 4E. Woodcock Place, Lane Cove, N.S.W. 2066 Australia 85902 PRINTED IN JAPAN B50800130 (G)