Handiham World Update for December 19, 2024

Greetings to Everyone:

2024 has been a year of substantial growth for the Handiham Program, marked by significant accomplishments across various aspects of the Program.  The increase in new members demonstrates the expanding reach and appeal of the Program, highlighting its ability to provide valuable resources and support to people with disabilities participating in the amateur radio hobby.  The addition of more virtual classes has helped increase accessibility for members, allowing them to participate from anywhere, while larger class sizes reflect growing demand for learning opportunities in the amateur radio hobby. 

The surge in activity within the Handiham Radio Club, coupled with a noticeable rise in daily net activity indicates that members are actively engaging with one another and strengthening their skills.  This thriving community has fostered collaboration, learning, and deeper connections among members, empowering them to continue growing their knowledge of amateur radio and related technologies. 

We started January with the second semester of the virtual General Class license class, which focused on the new pool of questions that took effect in July 2023.  At the same time, we were preparing for another round of elections in the Handiham Radio Club, an exciting moment to bring fresh leadership and new ideas into the club.  Speaking of the club and its growth, we were thrilled to see that membership had already grown significantly, from 71 members in early 2023 to over 100 members by January 2024. 

In February, we kicked off the second semester of the virtual Advanced Morse Code class, where we worked closely with students to help them gain confidence in making on-air code contacts.  This class was an excellent opportunity for our students to refine their skills and build their proficiency in Morse code.  Additionally, we began working on scholarship applications for the 2024 Radio Camp.  While February may seem early to be thinking about a September event, we know how quickly time passes, and getting a head start ensures everything runs smoothly. 

In March, we were excited to welcome Melissa as our new Handiham Program Administrative Assistant.  Her addition to the team has already made a significant impact, and we are thrilled to have her on board.  Melissa brings enthusiasm to the role, helping as the first point of contact for members and others who reach out to the Handiham Program.    

In April, we wrapped up both virtual classes, marking a successful semester of learning and growth.  By May, the excitement shifted to Xenia, Ohio, for Dayton Hamvention, where we debuted a new display that significantly boosted traffic to our booth.  Arriving a day early allowed us to meet with other vendors and test out new equipment for Radio Camp, as well as collaborate with HamSci on a plan to teach local blind students using the Handiham Technician Class curriculum.  We also had the wonderful opportunity to meet with ARDC representatives, who have been incredibly generous in supporting the Handiham Program and Radio Camp.

Throughout the summer months, we stayed busy with applications and finalizing plans for our second hotel-based Radio Camp, which included an even busier schedule than the previous year.  In early September, campers and volunteers began arriving from all over the US, and we were thrilled to have a larger meeting space to accommodate everyone.  The expanded space gave everyone more room to work on projects, troubleshoot, and enjoy time together.  The camp offered a wide range of classes, from weather spotting for the visually impaired to antenna theory and construction.  We were also privileged to host our second combined in-person and virtual Handiham Radio Club meeting, which saw record attendance!

Just five days after Radio Camp wrapped up, we kicked off a new virtual Basic Morse Code class.  We had two motivated students in this class, both eager to make on-air QSOs, and we celebrated its successful completion last week.  A week after Radio Camp ended, we began a 30-week Extra Class license class that dives deep into electronics and engineering theory.  With eight enthusiastic students, it’s been a fun journey so far!

Given the demand, we also added a virtual Technician Class in mid-October.  This 24-week course is currently in its 7th week, with eleven students, and one is already planning to take her exam before the end of the year—excited to get on the air!

November proved to be an especially busy month with three concurrent classes, marking the most classes we have ever run simultaneously.  And now, as we close out 2024, the Handiham Radio Club has reached a milestone of 158 members, and we have welcomed 65 first-time Handiham Program members this year alone!  We are proud of everything we’ve accomplished together!

I would like to extend a special thank you to our many volunteers and supporters who make all our services for Handiham Program members possible.  Part of what makes the Handiham Program so special is that many of our volunteers and supporters are also members.  Your dedication, time, and generosity are the backbone of our success.  Without your unwavering support, none of the progress we have made in 2024 would be achievable.  You play a crucial role in helping our members thrive, and we are deeply grateful for everything you do.  Thank you for your continued commitment to empowering others and helping us build an inclusive, vibrant ham radio community. 

Overall, 2024 has been a year of achievement and expansion for the Handiham Program, setting a solid foundation for continued success in the future.  From all of us, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 


Lucinda AB8WF

Handiham World Update for November 25, 2024

This is the time of year when we pause to say thank you to the many donors and volunteers that make it possible for us to accomplish the mission of the Handiham Program. Our faithful volunteers donate their time to help Handiham Program members with ham radio education, learning Morse code, making contacts, operating radios, and even learning about and accessing useful assistive technology. This year, our volunteers have provided over 2,000 hours of service!  Donors provide both funds and equipment to help Handiham members get more active in the hobby. We thank you!

Things remain very busy in the Handiham Program office as we quickly approach the end of 2024. We have been shipping out lots of equipment and are getting ready for the holiday merch orders. 

The 2024 Radio Camp in September was even better than the 2023 Radio Camp.  We had more hands-on radio time, fox hunting, and even an accessible SKYWARN class taught by National Weather Service meteorologist, Todd Krause.  The team from Grand Valley State University in Allendale, Michigan provided 3D printed weather models for campers to check out hail stones, funnel clouds, and wall clouds.     

Jerry, W0UH, our net manager, and Peter, KD9VTU, our assistant net manager, would like to invite you to check into the Handiham Radio Club daily net. We have great net control stations who faithfully keep the net running smoothly and provide interesting dialogue each day. The Handiham Radio Club sponsors daily nets at 11:00 am Central time and on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm Central time on the Handiham Conference Server. Please join us as often as you can. You don’t have to be a Handiham Program member to join us.  Everyone is welcome!  It’s a great time to get together with other hams throughout the world and enjoy some good conversation.

The latest updates to the General Class and Extra Class question pools are available on the website in text, docx, Mp3, and DAISY format. We are currently 9 weeks into a 30 week Extra Class License Class, 5 weeks into a 24 week Technician Class License Class, and 10 weeks into a 12 week Basic Morse Code Class. 

The Handiham Radio Club is radio active! Jerry, W0UH, our Handiham Radio Club president will hold the next monthly meeting on Sunday, December 1st at 3:00pm Central Time. The Zoom link will go out to the Handiham Radio Club Groups.io list. If you have not yet joined the Handiham Radio Club, all current members of the Handiham Program are eligible to join. Just send an email to handiham@allina.com to let us know you want to be put on the email list for the club. Staying on that list allows you to keep up with everything that is happening in the club.

We have Handiham Program merchandise that includes tote bags, string backpacks, t-shirts, sweat shirts, baseball caps, stickers, patches, and dog bandanas. If you are interested in ordering anything for yourself or for gifts, please let us know as soon as possible so we can be sure to ship it for a timely holiday arrival.


Lucinda AB8WF

Question Pool Changes

The NCVEC Question Pool Committee removed two pool questions from use. They removed E2A13 from the Extra pool and G8C01 from the General pool. Both questions have more than one right answer, so they cannot be used. If you are studying for either the Extra or the General exam, be sure to note the changes. I will be updating the Handiham.org files today. –Lucinda AB8WF