Station Status – W0ZSW online; W0EQO online

  • W0EQO uses RCForb software. (Speech frequency readout available via Kenwood hardware when on line.)
  • W0ZSW uses RCForb software.  (Speech frequency readout  via RCForb software.)

Notice to blind users:  ALT-SHIFT-F reads frequency when text to speech is enabled in the RCForb software Options menu.  You will also find keyboard commands there.

Check the Remotehams live stations list to see if W0ZSW is busy.

Check the Remotehams live stations list to see if W0EQO is busy.

Solar WX:  Please refresh the page to update – press F5 key.

Click here to report a problem with the stations.

Please send suggestions about the stations or website to Patrick Tice,


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