You will have fun with remote base stations W0ZSW and W0EQO. To get started, go to the Remotehams website, then download and install the RCFORB client software on your Windows computer. You will find directions on the website, which is here:
You will be asked to upload a copy of your license, but if that is not possible, proceed anyway. You can always do it later.
Open the RCFORB software and there will be a long list of stations. Either scroll through them or do a search for W0ZSW. Connect once it is highlighted in the list. Tune around and learn to use the controls while receiving. We have a list of keyboard commands here:
If you want transmit privileges, please email me at wa0tda@arrl.net once you have the software set up.
Next, do the same routine for W0EQO, finding it in the lobby list, highlighting it, then clicking on it to connect.
Here are some additional resources:
We are pleased to announce that CW is now available on both stations in addition to SSB operation.
73 – Pat
Patrick Tice