W0EQO has returned to service after a weekend outage. Our thanks to Lyle, K0LR, for his help.
Month: March 2015
W0EQO goes offline
IRB station W0EQO has gone offline over the weekend. We are investigating. Meanwhile, W0ZSW is up & running. IRB Sound is not enabled at W0ZSW, so you must use Skype for transmit/receive audio.
Echolink may be used to connect to W0ZSW-L for receive audio only.
No GUEST audio on W0ZSW
Important service announcement, March 2015: W0ZSW supports SKYPE audio only.
A failure of the transmit section of the Kenwood TS-480HX radio has made it necessary to substitute an Icom IC-7200. There is NO support for the IRB Sound part of the software, so only SKYPE audio may be used. Echolink receive also works as before. The SKYPE name for W0ZSW is “W0ZSW Remote Base”. Only registered control operators with transmit privileges may use SKYPE audio.