We have upgraded Skype on the W0ZSW host computer and also have removed the external program access to Skype on both host computers. We believe this program access was causing reliability problems, especially with W0EQO. Microsoft has been notifying users of Skype that the API (application programming interface) will no longer be supported in Skype after December. This means that Skype will still work with the remote bases, but that users will have to initiate the Skype call manually and then hang up the Skype call when they are finished using the stations. The built-in IRB Sound software may be used for receiving on either station instead of Skype, but to transmit on W0EQO you must use Skype for your audio. W0ZSW works fine with either Skype audio or IRB Sound audio, both for transmit and receive. We will make further announcements about the audio and let you know when we have rewritten the support pages.