Checking Status Message

Operating tip:  If you get a “checking status” message when opening the W4MQ software, it could mean that the station you have selected, either W0ZSW or W0EQO, is off line.  Let’s determine what is going on.  Suppose you get the “checking status” message with W0ZSW selected.  The first thing to do is to change the selection to W0EQO to see if that station is working.  If it is working, you can go ahead and use it since W0ZSW is off line.  However, if W0ZSW and W0EQO both show “checking status” messages, there are TWO possibilities:

  1. Both stations are off line at once, which is unlikely since they are located hundreds of miles apart and share no common infrastructure.

  2. Your own internet connection is down or there is some reason your computer running the client software is not connecting to the internet.  This is the more likely place to look for a problem.  Open a website and make sure that you are connected to the internet.  Sometimes Windows Update may cause this to happen.  Install the updates and reboot.  Everything should now work fine.

Published by

Patrick Tice

Handiham System Manager