Accessibility Improved at W0EQO

Users connecting to W0EQO will now hear the receiver audio immediately instead having to find and toggle the power button on the graphical user interface. While there are keystroke commands for the basic functions used in operation of the RCForb software, there is no such command for the radio’s power switch. That meant that JAWS users had to use a tedious process of trying to find the button labeled PWR with the JAWS cursor.

Now when you connect the radio is already running.

W0EQO is back!

Thanks to antenna wranglers Joe, KC0OIO, Keith, AG0H, and Bill, N0CIC, station W0EQO is back in service with a completely new antenna. The new dipole is 300 feet long, fed with 450 ohm ladder line and a current balun.

The crew worked in the rain for at least part of the day, raising the new antenna high on the tower, then running the usual tests to make sure everything is tuning.

We have added 160 meter capability! This isn’t that big a deal in the summertime, but in the winter when the nights are long and the thunderstorms of summer have gone away 160 m serves up some excellent contacts.

Please contact Pat, for station transmit permission and to report problems.