Remote Base Client Release Progress

Dear Handiham members and volunteers,

We are pleased to announce that we are days away from releasing the new W4MQ remote base client version 6.1. With this release, we are including fixes for all known critical issues uncovered in beta versions through If you are interested in learning more about “What’s under the hood” with this version 6.1 release, please stay tuned for a detailed update. We have been working very diligently to get this product out the door for the benefit of all Handiham members. Among the critical fixes is the “Phone Home” bug fix which has plagued the W4MQ client for several months now. If you have been running the beta versions, don’t worry, we will be releasing a tool that will remove all existing betas from your computer.

In addition to the many updates in version 6.1, we are working on additional upgrades that will enhance the Web Transceiver client to include accessibility support, power level support, and updated Skype support.

Published by

Patrick Tice

Handiham System Manager