Here are special instructions for the authorization of Skype for blind users:
- Make sure Skype is running and that you are logged in.
- When Web Transceiver has loaded, Skype will be prompting for authorization to Grant or Deny access to WebXcvr.exe
- Launch Web Transceiver
- Press ALT+TAB to the Skype application
- If you tab around, you will find a button labeled Allow Access and another labeled Deny Access. Note that you won’t be able to read the message that Skype displays for which application is asking for Deny or Allow access.
- Use the JAWS cursor to read the prompt, never allow access without reading what Skype is asking. Alternatively, you might virtualize the window using JAWSKey+ALT+W which presents the contents of the window in text format.
- The prompt will be as follows: “webxcvr.exe wants to use Skype”
- Now that you know what is prompting for access, tab around until you hear Allow Access and activate the button with Spacebar or ENTER.
- You are ready to Use Skype with Web Transceiver.
- Press ALT+TAB until you hear the remote control software come into focus.