It’s Here! 6.20200

It’s coming, It’s coming, It’s here!

Screenshot of W4MQ client version 6.2.
Screenshot of W4MQ client version 6.2.

Yes, folks, another update to the Web Transceiver client. Another milestone achieved! Want to have 200 watt support, well we have it and we want you to try it on W0ZSW. Much more robustness, well, we have it, thus you benefit! Welcome to the new and improved remote Base client. One short month brings lots of fixes for version 6.2 of the remote base client. Give it a try and you will find that the new client boasts some nice improvements. You asked, we answer! Take advantage of a very new version of Web transceiver with improved default browser support. Yes, you are reading correctly, we have implemented default browser support. For those of you who wanted the client to launch your default web browser, well you got it, try it now!

How about CW support? Well, it was always there but we simply overlooked one coding error and finally fixed it for version 6.2. Our good friends can now continue using CW as the CW filters have been fixed.

Update as soon as possible to take advantage of the new and improved Web Transceiver. If you find something wrong, just e-mail us. We can tell you that your request won’t go into the bit bucket. The sooner you report issues, the sooner issues will be fixed. So, what are you waiting for? Get yourself to the new download page and get the latest version of web transceiver. Once you update, you will officially be at version and you can begin takeing advantage of some of the new and improved Remote Base client features and improvements.

We wish you the very best of luck, 73 : KK4JZX

Published by

Patrick Tice

Handiham System Manager