What kind of antenna does W0ZSW use?

The antenna at W0ZSW is a 200 foot long double extended Zepp, otherwise known around here as a “W0OXB Special”.  It is fed in the center with 450 ohm ladder line to a current balun.  The current balun transform impedance and also allows us to match 50 ohm coaxial cable – a very short run of just a few feet to a manual antenna switch and an LDG AT-200Pro automatic antenna tuner.

The antenna must be tuned to receive and transmit properly, so the LDG takes care of that when RF is applied.  Tuning takes up to 10-15 seconds if a frequency has not previously been tuned.  Once the LDG has automatically tuned a frequency, it is memorized and tuning is nearly instantaneous.

The plastic food container covers the MFJ current balun at the point of entry outside the ham shack.
The plastic food container covers the MFJ current balun at the point of entry outside the ham shack.

Published by

Patrick Tice

Handiham System Manager