How Do I check What Frequency the remote base client is on using JAWS?

How Do I check What Frequency the remote base client is on Using JAWS(R)?

Method 1, using the JAWS cursor

1.        Launch the Remote Base Client

2.       Login to your favorite station

3.       Press JAWSKey+Num Pad Minus (on  a desktop computer, the JAWSKey is the INSERT key and on laptops, the JAWSKey is the CapsLock key).

4.       Press CTRL+HOME to get to the top of the window. You will hear the title of the Remote Base client software.

5.       Press the down arrow until you hear Frequency (kHz)

6.       Press down arrow once more.  This is where you want to be.  You are going to hear the frequency.

7.       Press the home key to get to the beginning of the line.

8.       Now you can use the CTRL+Right or left arrows to navigate this line.  You will hear the frequency announced.

9.       When done, press the numpad Plus key to set the PC cursor.

Method 2 is to use the Virtualize Screen option (INSERT+ALT+W)

1.        Launch the Remote Base client

2.       Press JAWSKey+ALT+W (on desktop computers, JAWSKey is the INSERT key and on laptops it is the CapsLock  key).  You will hear JAWS virtualizing the window.

3.       Now press CTRL+HOME to navigate to the top of the virtualized window.

4.       Press down arrow until you hear Frequency (Khz)

5.       Press down arrow again.

6.       Now, press the home  key to get to the beginning of the line where the frequency number is mentioned.

7.       Use CTRL+Right arrow to navigate through this line.  You should hear the frequency you are on.

Method 3 is to use the JAWS 13 or 14 Convenient OCR.

1.        Launch Web Transceiver

2.       Press JAWSKey+Spacebar . JAWS will make a sound indicating that it is waiting for a command.

3.       Press O for OCR  JAWS will announce OCR

4.       Press W for window to OCR the window.  JAWS will announce that the OCR process has begun and will announce when it is completed.

5.       Now press CTRL+HOME to get to the top of the recognized window.

6.       Press down arrow until you hear Frequency (KHz).

7.       Press down arrow and you will be at the line where your frequency is listed.

8.       When done, just hit ESC to get out of the window.

Enjoy and let us know how it goes.  73, KK4JZX

JAWS is a registered trademark of Freedom Scientific.


Published by

Patrick Tice

Handiham System Manager