To All Handiham Members and volunteers,
We are preparing for an upcoming release of the web transceiver client. We are planning some minor updates which will make managing the remote stations much simpler. One of the target milestones of the remote base client development project is to make the system simpler to manage in addition to improving usability and accessibility. We are achieving the milestones in manageable stages. With the first few releases of Web transceiver, we wanted to improve performance and usability and we achieved that goal. We wanted to begin making the internals much more manageable and we also achieved that milestone and continue it as a work in progress. Some major issues have been fixed which have added stability to the remote base client. We recognize that there is much yet to be done but we also recognize that it takes time and effort to have a solution that is simpler to use every time we release a client version. We are focused on fixing major bugs first and introducing new features as a secondary effort. We have come a long way in achieving the goals that we set forth initially. Now, we see that there is much more that can be done to improve and enhance the client software. Hang in there folks, we are working diligently to get your needs met. Hang in there because Web Transceiver is getting better with each release. If you have often found the station in a state where it appears there is just dead air, We are resetting RF gain back to defaults, we are fixing that with this release. We are setting the stations back to simplex mode every time a remote client logs out. We are also fixing some other minor annoyances and will continue to do so as we move forward.
Enjoy the new versions of web transceiver and let us know if you find anything that needs fixing. Remember, we can’t fix it if you don’t report it.
73: KK4JZX