No changing active station while connected

Hello Handiham Members and Volunteers

We wanted to make you aware of  a known issue that we have on the list that is important to note.  When you are connected to a station using the Remote Base client, we ask that you do not change from the connected station to another.  If you try to choose another station, you will not have an opportunity to log out of the station you are connected to.  Thus, you might hang the radio in a connect state.  We are aware of the issue with the client and will be adding a fix in a future release.  While we don’t consider this issue a show stopper, we just want you to know that if you try to connect to a new station  without disconnecting from another station you had connected to prior, you may not be able to log in to the original station until it is cleared or until the station times out.

Image: Screenshot of pulldown menu with W0ZSW circled.

You may continue using the remote base client normally as you would.  If you are interested in connecting to another station, simply log out of the station you are connected to and then attempt to change to another one on your list.

Good luck and enjoy the new version 6.2 client!  73, KK4JZX

Published by

Patrick Tice

Handiham System Manager