What do you do when JAWS® is chattering while you are using the remote base client to change frequencies?
We do have an answer from our good friend Joe, N3AIN. Continue reading JAWS®: Too verbose when changing frequencies?
What do you do when JAWS® is chattering while you are using the remote base client to change frequencies?
We do have an answer from our good friend Joe, N3AIN. Continue reading JAWS®: Too verbose when changing frequencies?
The antenna at W0ZSW is a 200 foot long double extended Zepp, otherwise known around here as a “W0OXB Special”. Continue reading What kind of antenna does W0ZSW use?
So, what else is new with Web Transceiver version Menu Redesign
We at Handiham are all about simplicity and ease of use. That is why we are redesigning the menu system. Continue reading Menu Redesign
Client Software: Users who are not operating their own remote base stations
You do not have to open any special ports on your router to use the W4MQ client side Remote Base software. Continue reading Do I have to open ports on my router?
Hello Handiham Members and Volunteers
We wanted to make you aware of a known issue that we have on the list that is important to note. When you are connected to a station using the Remote Base client, we ask that you do not change from the connected station to another. Continue reading No changing active station while connected
Welcome to the New Web Transceiver Software Version!
This version of the W4MQ software has been developed to correct issues as documented throughout the beta cycle for version 6.2. Continue reading What’s new in 6.2
Here are special instructions for the authorization of Skype for blind users:
Sometimes you may need to clear out old permissions from the Advanced Settings area of Skype in order for the W4MQ software to interact correctly with Skype. Here are keyboard commands that will get you to the right spot: Continue reading How to remove outdated Skype permissions using keyboard commands
Here is a blog update for folks using Windows 8:
To all Handiham Members and volunteers,
While we work on updating the remote base client, we are uncovering some issues. Continue reading Logging function not working in Windows 8